Girl Talk

Girl Talk

For women who want engaging conversations about authentic faith. Each episode will teach, encourage and make you laugh.


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Girl Talk
Bridging the Gap: Finding Common Ground in a Divided World

Carol, Tricia, and Kelly dive into the importance of unity in today's fractured world. Unity doesn't require complete agreement, but instead, a willingness to reflect Christ’s love and seek common ground with others. From Olympic athletes to personal relationships, Carol, Tricia and Kelly discuss the importance of building bridges, listening well, and being intentional in our walk with God and others.

"We can be unified without agreeing on everything. That’s the beauty of living out our faith—finding Christ in the midst of our differences." -Tricia

  1. Unity in Christ, Not Uniformity:
    Unity doesn’t require us to agree on every point of doctrine or belief. Instead, it calls us to find common ground in Christ. Our faith should inspire us to be peacemakers and bridge-builders, reflecting His love in all relationships.
  2. Listening as a Spiritual Practice:
    Jesus listened to those around Him, and we are called to do the same. When we take time to truly hear others, we often discover where they’re hurting and how to offer the hope found in Christ. Listening can be a powerful form of ministry.
  3. Be Intentional About Relationships:
    God calls us to step out of our comfort zones and engage with people who think differently from us. Building relationships with those who don't share our exact beliefs takes effort, but as Christians, we are called to be the light of the world, showing Christ's love to everyone.
Sep 18, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Repentance Unpacked: How Turning Back to God Transforms Your Life

This episode of the Girl Talk Podcast may sound a little "churchy," but do we really know what it means? For many of us, the word "repentance" might bring up images of guilt or shame, but today, we’re going to find out how true repentance is actually a beautiful and transformative part of our walk with Jesus.

Whether you’ve been walking with Christ for years or are just beginning to explore what it means to follow Him, this conversation will bring fresh insight and encouragement.

  • Understanding True Repentance: Repentance is more than just saying "I’m sorry." It’s about a deep, heartfelt desire to turn away from sin and align our hearts with God’s will. We’ll explore what true repentance looks like and how it can lead to genuine transformation in our lives.

  • The Ongoing Journey of Repentance: Repentance isn’t a one-time event; it’s a continuous process that keeps us growing in our relationship with God. We’ll discuss why regularly examining our hearts and turning back to God is essential for spiritual growth.

  • The Freedom Found in Repentance: Far from being a burden, repentance brings freedom. When we repent, we experience God’s grace and mercy in profound ways, allowing us to live in the fullness of His love and forgiveness.

Thanks so much to Compassion International for making Girl Talk Podcast possible in 2024!

Sep 4, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Roots of Bitterness: Uprooting Pain and Planting Forgiveness

In this episode of the Girl Talk Podcast, Carol, Kelly, and Tricia talk about bitterness and how it can take root in our lives. This episode is a must-listen for any woman seeking to break free from the chains of past hurts and live a life full of peace and joy.

What We're Going to Learn...

  1. Understanding Bitterness and Its Impact
    Bitterness is a deep-seated feeling that can change our behavior and harden our hearts. Bitterness often stems from unmet expectations and the assumption that things will always stay the same. While feeling anger and disappointment is natural, allowing those feelings to fester can lead to a root of bitterness that affects our spiritual and emotional well-being.

  2. The Role of Forgiveness in Overcoming Bitterness
    Forgiveness is at the heart of healing from bitterness. Through daily recommitment and giving our hurt to God, we can release bitterness and find true peace.

  3. Practical Steps to Guard Against Bitterness
    From acknowledging feelings to setting healthy boundaries, we can be proactive in addressing bitterness before it takes root.  Community, accountability, and quiet time with God are essential to healing from bitterness. By focusing on God's truth and seeking His help, we can move forward with a heart free from bitterness.

Don't forget...

  • Self-awareness is key: Recognize when bitterness is taking hold by paying attention to how you feel about others, especially those who have hurt you. If you struggle to pray for someone or feel anger when thinking about them, it may be an indicator of bitterness.

  • Forgiveness is a choice: Even when it’s difficult, choosing to forgive is essential for your own well-being. Trust God with your hurt and make a conscious decision to let go of bitterness daily.

  • Community matters: Don’t navigate bitterness alone. Seek accountability from trusted friends or mentors and consider talking to a Christian counselor to help unpack your emotions and find healing.

A special thank you to Compassion International for their support of the Girl Talk Podcast. You can become a part of the Girl Talk team here.

Aug 28, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Navigating Moral Failures in Christian Leadership

In this episode, Carol, Tricia, and Kelly tackle a tough but important topic—what to do when a leader messes up big time. They chat about how to deal with the hurt, keep your faith strong, and start healing when someone you look up to stumbles. The ladies remind us that nobody’s beyond redemption, and God can still use anyone, no matter their past. They also talk about the need for boundaries, the power of forgiveness, and how a good Christian therapist can help you through the healing process. Tune in for some practical advice and spiritual encouragement if you’re dealing with the fallout from a leader’s moral failure.

Compassion International makes Girl Talk Podcast possible - you can join the team here.

  1. God’s Grace Transcends Our Failures: No one is beyond God's forgiveness, and moral failures don't have to be the end of a leader's story. The Bible is filled with examples of God using flawed individuals to achieve His purposes.
  2. Boundaries Are Essential: While forgiveness is crucial, it’s equally important to set boundaries. Leaders who have fallen should step back and allow God to work on their hearts before returning to leadership roles.
  3. Processing Grief with God: Experiencing grief and disappointment when a leader falls is natural. Allow yourself time to grieve, seek God’s guidance, and avoid reacting impulsively. Healing is a process that requires patience and prayer.
Aug 21, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
How the 2024 Olympics Give Us a Way to Share Jesus

In this episode of the Girl Talk Podcast, Carol, Kelly, and Tricia dive into the 2024 Paris Olympics' controversial opening ceremony and its implications for Christians.

They discuss the Christian response to blasphemy, the importance of standing firm in faith, and how to use controversial moments to share the love and message of Jesus Christ.

How Christians Should Respond to the 2024 Olympics:

  • Respond with Love and Outreach: Instead of reacting with anger or condemnation, use controversial moments as opportunities to share the love and message of Jesus. Reflect Christ's love in your actions and words, just as Jesus forgave those who wronged Him.
  • Pray for Discernment and Courage: Seek God's guidance in responding to challenging situations. Pray for the courage to share your faith and for the wisdom to know when and how to speak up.
  • Highlight Positive Stories: Focus on and share the good that comes from difficult situations. Shine a light on positive actions, like the distribution of Bibles during the Olympics and the faith stories of Christian athletes, to inspire and uplift others.
  • Be The Light: Wherever darkness is present, we are called to be the light!


  • 1 Corinthians 9:24-25: "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it."
  • Jesus' words on the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34)
  • John 13:35: "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
  • Romans 2:4: "Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?"

BIG thanks to Compassion International for making this episode of Girl Talk Podcast possible! You can help bring bring a child out of poverty in Jesus' Name by clicking here.

Aug 7, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Back to Reality: Reclaiming Your Routine Post-Summer

It's time to get back on track and reclaim the structure you may have lost over the summer.

This episode is all about getting back on track after those lazy, hazy days of summer. Join Carol, Tricia, and Kelly as they share practical tips, funny stories, and real life advice on how to transition smoothly into the busy school year.

From setting achievable goals to staying consistent with your routines, this episode is packed with inspiration to help you finish the summer strong.

Think about it:

  • Challenge All-or-Nothing Thinking:

    • Avoid the trap of feeling like you must do everything perfectly or not at all. Small, consistent efforts are more sustainable and less overwhelming.
  • Set Short-Term Goals:

    • Break down your goals into quarterly or monthly chunks to make them more manageable. Use planners to set and review these goals often.
  • Start Your Day Right:

    • Establish a morning routine that includes quiet time, prayer, and a bit of exercise can set a positive tone for the entire day.
Jul 31, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Emotional Response and Release

We'll explore what it truly means to "turn the other cheek" and how we can apply this teaching to our everyday lives, especially when it comes to our emotional health.

Special Shoutout: Big thanks to Compassion International for sponsoring this season and helping children like Paula from Colombia. Paula loves art, dancing, and learning about God. She’s been waiting for a sponsor for 368 days—could you be her answered prayer?

3 Main Points to Kickstart Your Emotional Health Journey:

  1. Acknowledge and Process Your Emotions:

    • Emotions are natural and stuffing them down is not the answer! Start by acknowledging what you're feeling. Journaling can be a fantastic way to process those thoughts and emotions. Pour your heart out on paper—it’s therapeutic!
  2. Set Healthy Boundaries:

    • Not everyone in your life is good for your emotional well-being, and that’s okay! Learn to set healthy boundaries. Protecting your heart and mind is crucial for maintaining emotional health. It’s about self-care, not selfishness!
  3. Pray and Seek Guidance:

    • Lean on the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance. Pray for those who hurt you—yes, even the difficult ones. It’s amazing how prayer can transform your heart and help you see situations through God's eyes. And don’t hesitate to seek out Christian counseling for that extra support!
Jul 17, 2024 8:30 AM
Girl Talk
Understanding Mental Health: Navigating Depression, Anxiety, and Finding Support

Time for a check up! In this episode of the Girl Talk podcast, Carol, Tricia and Kelly dive into the importance of your mental health and how it can impact your work and home life. They talk about the need to recognize and acknowledge mental health issues, how to spot the signs, and the importance of getting the support you need from someone you can trust. 

Don’t forget to check out Compassion International and consider sponsoring a child.

"Feelings are not our enemy. Feelings tell us something. Feelings are there to instruct us." - Tricia


  • Everyone struggles with something.
  • Understanding and validating your feelings is key to healing.
  • Counseling from a licensed Christian counselor can be extremely helpful in processing thoughts and emotions.


Jul 3, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Understanding Mental Health: Navigating Depression, Anxiety, and Finding Support

Time for a check up! In this episode of the Girl Talk podcast, Carol, Tricia and Kelly dive into the importance of your mental health and how it can impact your work and home life. They talk about the need to recognize and acknowledge mental health issues, how to spot the signs, and the importance of getting the support you need from someone you can trust. 

Don’t forget to check out Compassion International and consider sponsoring a child.

"Feelings are not our enemy. Feelings tell us something. Feelings are there to instruct us." - Tricia


  • Everyone struggles with something.
  • Understanding and validating your feelings is key to healing.
  • Counseling from a licensed Christian counselor can be extremely helpful in processing thoughts and emotions.


Jul 3, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Trust Issues and Finding Our Way Back to Trust


Don’t let the fear of getting hurt keep you from experiencing the joy of relationships.

In this episode of the Girl Talk Podcast, Carol, Kelly, and Tricia dive deep into trust issues. We know it’s a heavy topic, but it’s something we all deal with at some point. The ladies talk about how past experiences shape our ability to trust and how we can find our way back to trusting again.

Big thanks to our friends at Compassion International for sponsoring this season. They’re doing amazing work helping kids out of poverty in Jesus' name. Check them out on our website and maybe even sponsor a child like little Marjorie from El Salvador.

Take it with you:

  • Our past experiences can make us super cautious or flat-out mistrustful. Trust issues come from those past betrayals and they can mess with all our future relationships.
  • Remember, everyone’s flawed – we all mess up sometimes.
  • Healthy boundaries are a must. Rebuilding trust takes time.
  • We need to trust God, even when we don’t understand what He’s doing.
  • Notice your behavior patterns and thoughts that come from past hurts.
  • Approach conflicts with humility and a readiness to forgive.
Jun 26, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Jealous Much?

BIG thanks to Compassion International for making the 2024 season of Girl Talk Podcast possible. Become part of the Girl Talk Podcast Compassion team here.

Are you a jealous person? What about that friend who has the Pinterest perfect home, gorgeous family and goes on dream vacations what seems like every month - what do you think about her?

Carol, Tricia and Kelly are talking about jealous thoughts and how we can overcome them by taking our thoughts captive through the power of the Holy Spirit.

How to reframe jealous thoughts:

  • Gratitude journal - what blessings have you been given?
  • Celebrate others and what God has for their journey!
  • Pray for the Lord to remove your jealousy and to bring Scripture to your mind.
  • What are your jealous thoughts about? Are there changes you need to make in your life?

WATCH it on YouTube


Jun 19, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
How to Have a Healthy Summer

Thanks so much to Compassion International for making Girl Talk Podcast possible in 2024! You can help release children from poverty in Jesus' Name by clicking here.

Are you past due for a check up?! A mental health check up, that is. How can you have the healthiest summer possible? Take inventory of your time and your habits! Allow yourself to have the freedom to live in the moment with your family and friends and spend time evaluating how you'd like to change your priorities.

Jun 12, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Why Am I So Tired?

HUGE Thanks to Compassion International for making Girl Talk Podcast possible. Help release children from poverty in Jesus' Name here.


Is there space between your load and your limit? If you're filling up your calendar constantly, what is your motivation? When you allow yourself to have margin in your life, you can be more present to the Lord and to those around you.

Check your heart and be honest about why you are leaving little to no margin in your life. Is it necessary? Would you and your loved ones benefit from you allowing space to rest?

Try incorporating new (slower) rhythms into your life: rest, creativity, community and work.

Practice Sabbath with those close to you - how can you encourage one another to spend time with God, away from work and in close community with other followers of Jesus? If you're not in a place where you can commit to an entire 24 hours, start by setting aside time for a device free meal, enjoying it with someone who with spend time talking about Jesus and His Word with you!

Jun 5, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Who Is The Hero of Your Story?

This episode of Girl Talk Podcast is a recording from the women's conference at Brookwood Church in Simpsonville, South Carolina. Carol, Tricia and Kelly answered questions texted in from the audience during this special event.

You'll hear answers to the following questions:

What do you do when you don't hear from God, but a decision needs to be made?

What happens if my testimony doesn't seem like a big deal?

How do you know what and when true surrender happens?

What happens when your story isn't what you wanted it to be?

How can you trust after being hurt over and over again?

How can you minister to someone who isn't sure God loves them anymore?

"The story is not the point, the hero of the story is the point." -Carol Davis

Is God the hero in your story?

May 29, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Divorce and Devotion: Keeping Faith When It's Hard

How do you keep the faith when your life is crumbling all around you?

This episode of Girl Talk Podcast is all about finding healing after divorce and walking in the grace of Jesus.

May 1, 2024 5:0 AM
Girl Talk
Seeing Beyond Your Reflection - Healthy Body Image

"Everyday, you're casting a vote to the person you want to be." James Clear, Atomic Habits

What vote are you casting for the person you want to be?

Learn how to change the way you're thinking about your habits in order to keep them!

Special thanks to Compassion International for making this season of Girl Talk Podcast possible!

What stands in the way of becoming who you want to be? Are you placing more of an emphasis on the reflection in the mirror than the unhealthy thoughts in your mind?

Carol, Tricia and Kelly are talking about body shaming, body image and creating healthy thoughts and habits to become a healthier person.

Apr 17, 2024 8:14 AM