The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 021

The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth

The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 021


Published on Jan 2, 2025, 5:00:46 AM
Total time: 01:06:56

Episode Description

Happy New Years! This being a podcast on personal growth, we can't start the New Year without talking about resolutins, intentions and all that. So yes, while there's some of that, it's done in our own unique style (of course!) and we hope you find it helpful. 

Again Happy New Years! And as always, thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

More about The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth

Fun, interesting, and yes, practical ways to look at life… to live with more happiness, more connection, and more insight. To better learn and benefit from life’s lessons, no matter where you are in life right now.