The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth

The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth

Fun, interesting, and yes, practical ways to look at life… to live with more happiness, more connection, and more insight. To better learn and benefit from life’s lessons, no matter where you are in life right now. 

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The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 025
Jan 30, 2025 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 024

We've decided to make it a "thing" every week... our little opening story or "Lesson from the Universe." What have we learned - or simply been shown - by the universe in the past week that's made an impression on us. Might be good... might be a little negative. Doesn't matter. Bill and Vicki believe that everything that happens to us in this life has something to learn from, something to grow from. What's that been for you this week? 

Also, Bill found a wonderful article (see the link below) talking about setting personal boundaries in life, even if you are the person that "everyone depends on." For Bill, there's some personal / inward connection as well, as he's working on some "boundary issues" of his own, for himself. A little weird, yes, but check it out. 

BTW, big thanks and shout-out to this blog for the "boundaries" info:


There's more as well... you're just going to have to listen in to find out what it is! 

Thanks again for joining us!

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Jan 23, 2025 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 023

A couple of new ideas for the new year for the show... 

First, we want to start off every "step" (our word for episode) of the show with the thought / idea / intention of the week. Sometimes funny, sometimes powerful, usually something in between. Something to chat about as we get the show started. 

Also, along those same lines, we're adding another quick check-in for Vicki and Bill, and for you, too. What has the Universe (or Spirit, or God...whatever your prefer), sent to you this week as a learning experience or "teachable moment." 

Both Vicki and Bill are fans of the idea that virtually everything that happens to us / with us each and every day is a learning experience of some sort. Something to learn and grown from! Again, we're going to use this portion of the show to check in with ourselves, and see what can be learned and benefitted from along the way. 

There's more as well... you're just going to have to listen in to find out what it is! 

Thanks again for joining us!

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Jan 16, 2025 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 020

The holidays are here... this podcast releases between Thanksgiving and Christmas (2024) and plenty of people are involved in all kinds of gatherings: Family, office, school and more. Sometimes those parties bring together people of all kinds of different - shall we say - energy levels, and that may be challenging for some of us. 

In this episode, Bill and Vicki discuss how to best manage your own personal energies, and deal with people at all levels of the energetic spectrum. No shame or blame! We just know different people "vibe" at different levels and frequencies, and that's OK. Sometimes we just need a little practical guidance to handle all the holiday-season "stuff" going on. 

Also, Bill talks about the very valuable power and skill of being able to say "no" to some things and people in life. From his own personal experience, he's found it very challenging to have to say no at times, and risk some negative feelings from other people. Still, it's an important skill and gift to be able to say and do the things you want for yourself, and avoid those things you are not interested in. 

Happy Holiday! And as always, thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Dec 19, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 019
Dec 12, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 018

A very powerful episode. Bill reports on the death of a high-school friend, and even though he had not been in touch with this friend for years, the friend showed up in a dream! The big discussion then turns to the messages dreams and other "visions" offer us, and what we can do with the information and insights they provide. 

Also, just for fun, there's a little talk of some "life lessons" offered by Batman movies, especially the one with The Joker - one of our favorites! It's all about the positive and negative  ways we can percieve our lives, and what we make of them. 

One of the things we talk about on the podcast - a LOT - is motivation. With that in mind, we'd like to offer you a free copy of our new mini-book, called "Flipping the Switch, How To Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice." If motivation is something you struggle with, we think this wil be helpful. Just head over to the website The Practical Path Podcast, and get your free copy. (Click the link and hop over!) 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Dec 5, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 017

This episode was recorded just before Election Day in the US, so there's a bit of "time traveling" here... we're talking about things that will be happening in the "open space" between the actual recording date and time, and when the podcast is released to you, our wonderful listeners. And while the show is definitely not about politics and all that, it's hard to avoid such a big topic... We're definitely NOT talking US politics, but it weighs on the conversation a bit. Thank you for your "grace" on us. 

As for the show itself, a bit more on perfectionism, motivation and procrastination for "getting things done" in life and personal growth. Speaking of "grace," Vicki talks about how to gift that to yourself, even as you may be challenged by the big desires of getting things done and accomplished - something Bill talks about in his own life at this time...

One of the things we talk about on the podcast - a LOT - is motivation. With that in mind, we'd like to offer you a free copy of our new mini-book, called "Flipping the Switch, How To Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice." If motivation is something you struggle with, we think this wil be helpful. Just head over to the website The Practical Path Podcast, and get your free copy. (Click the link and hop over!) 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Nov 28, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 016

This week - the concept of "time travel" when it comes to the way we live our lives. You've probably been there, right? Mad about something you did in the past, or anxious about something that's yet to happen in the future? Yup, it's time travel. And it's robbing you of experiencing all that life has to offer you in the - wait for it - here and now. 

Yes, it's kind of a cliche, but it's true. This moment - right now - is the only one that really matters... The only one you can actually do something about. On this week's show, some ideas for staying "in the now," and making the most of life - and being responsible to yourself - for all that's happening. 


One of the things we talk about on the podcast - a LOT - is motivation. With that in mind, we'd like to offer you a free copy of our new mini-book, called "Flipping the Switch, How To Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice." If motivation is something you struggle with, we think this wil be helpful. Just head over to the website The Practical Path Podcast, and get your free copy. (Click the link and hop over!) 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Publish Date:

Nov 21, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 015

Is is just me, or do these hour-long episodes just fly by? Again this week, there's so much to talk about, and the time joyfully passes, like a good conversation between friends...which this is, of course. Vicki, Bill, and YOU. 

This week, there's talk about how we "cast spells" on ourselves with the words we speak. Not to each other, but the words we have spinning around in our own heads.. The words and feelings we have for ourselves. And yes, "casting a spell" ... Right around Halloweeen (at the time of this episode dropping). Clever, eh? 

The big topic this week is about how to accept the gifts the Universe has for us. Bill heard some sad news this past week - the passing of an old high-school friend. It got him to thinking / feeling about how his life is so blessed in so many ways... and yet it wasn't all happy thoughts! Find out why, and what might be done with some unusual feelings.


One of the things we talk about on the podcast - a LOT - is motivation. With that in mind, we'd like to offer you a free copy of our new mini-book, called "Flipping the Switch, How To Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice." If motivation is something you struggle with, we think this wil be helpful. Just head over to the website The Practical Path Podcast, and get your free copy. (Click the link and hop over!) 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Nov 14, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 014

This week... Seems like there's a lot of wierd energy out there these days. Yes, there's lots of strange and powerful things happening in the world, and perhaps you're feeling it, too. Don't're not alone! On the podcast this week, some tips and advice for "hanging in there" when the "stuff" hits the fan. 

Also, Bill talks about his motivations in life, or should we say "lack" of movitations. After some reading and research, he's hit on a new term and new idea ... It's more than just finding a label for the way you may feel... It's giving yourself permission to feel, think and most importantly, live the way you choose. Tune in for more details.


One of the things we talk about on the podcast - a LOT - is motivation. With that in mind, we'd like to offer you a free copy of our new mini-book, called "Flipping the Switch, How To Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice." If motivation is something you struggle with, we think this wil be helpful. Just head over to the website The Practical Path Podcast, and get your free copy. (Click the link and hop over!) 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Nov 7, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 013

Have you ever wanted to say "no" to someone's request - a friend or even family member... But said "yes," if only because you didn't want to be the "bad guy?" (Or girl, as the case may be...) There's a lot of talk of just that mindset on today's show. 

It's all about being able to express your own preference, and do it in a way that honors your desires and feelings, yet also takes into account the preferences (sometimes pressure) we may be getting from others in life. It's a careful balancing act, for sure. Yet it's all about being true and authentic to and with yourself, and that's a very important part of walking this practical path we talk about every week.

Other stuff on the show: Bill has some wild dreams to share...and to try to figure out. Who do you see and talk to in your dreams? Are there people you know, places you're familiar with? Or is it an entirely different world? 


One of the things we talk about on the podcast - a LOT - is motivation. With that in mind, we'd like to offer you a free copy of our new mini-book, called "Flipping the Switch, How To Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice." If motivation is something you struggle with, we think this wil be helpful. Just head over to the website The Practical Path Podcast, and get your free copy. (Click the link and hop over!) 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Oct 31, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 012

This week - are you living your "regular" life, yet comparing yourself to someone else's "highlight reel?" Yes, that's a sports term, but as you listen to the show this week, you'll understand exactly what we mean. 

Also, is it possible that you may be setting the bar too low for yourself? Yes, another sports analogy, but also a good one. 

Bill is setting the intention to make a change in his life - getting up earlier! Yes, that might sound like "no big deal" for some, but for him... well, let's just say it's challenging. Speaking of motivation, you'll want to head over to the website The Practical Path Podcast, and get your free copy of "Flipping the Switch, How To Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice." We talk a lot about motivation on the show. This will help you create a bit more - if needed - in your life. 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Oct 24, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 011

Welcome to "The Practical Path" - a new podcast on personal and spiritual growth. Our new Facebook page is now "live!" We'd love to hear your comments, ideas, stories and more. Visit The Practical Path Podcast on Facebook

This week, we continue a bit of the conversation we started last week on motivation, finding your own path, and more. This week, that "more" is finding the much-needed ability to say "no." Sometimes in life, we over-promise and over-commit ourselves, especially when it comes to helping friends, family and others in our lives. Yes it's good to help, but it's also important to stay "true to yourself" when it comes to making sure you're doing what you need to do to keep yourself happy, centered and safe. 

Once again, there's the idea of "making a different decision" over some of the ways we think about our lives and the things we believe in. You're not wrong for thinking differently in the past, it's just that now, you're "upgrading" your thinking for something that works even better for you! 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS#1 - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PS#2 - Stop by the website The Practical Path Podcast, and get your free copy of "Flipping the Switch, How To Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice." We talk a lot about motivation on the show. This will help you create a bit more - if needed - in your life. 

PS#3- Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Oct 17, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 010

Welcome to "The Practical Path" - a new podcast on personal and spiritual growth. Our new Facebook page is now "live!" We'd love to hear your comments, ideas, stories and more. Visit The Practical Path Podcast on Facebook

Vicki Wagoner has built a career around her work as a "practical intuitive." She uses her years of experience as a hypnotherapist, spiritual guide and life coach to help others see life and experience from a "different perspective." 

On this show, we'll be exploring topics of personal growth, based on our belief system What is that "system?" That we are here on Planet Earth to experience all that life has to offer - both the positive and the negative - so that we can continue to learn and grow, and continue to become better, more loving individuals, at all stages of life. 

Big topics and big issues, for sure... but we promise to talk about everything in the most down-to-earth, positive way possible. Life is often described as a "game," and we're here to help make it as fun and interesting as possible. 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PPS - Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Oct 10, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 009

Welcome to "The Practical Path" - a new podcast on personal and spiritual growth. Our new Facebook page is now "live!" We'd love to hear your comments, ideas, stories and more. Visit The Practical Path Podcast on Facebook

Vicki Wagoner has built a career around her work as a "practical intuitive." She uses her years of experience as a hypnotherapist, spiritual guide and life coach to help others see life and experience from a "different perspective." 

On this show, we'll be exploring topics of personal growth, based on our belief system What is that "system?" That we are here on Planet Earth to experience all that life has to offer - both the positive and the negative - so that we can continue to learn and grow, and continue to become better, more loving individuals, at all stages of life. 

Big topics and big issues, for sure... but we promise to talk about everything in the most down-to-earth, positive way possible. Life is often described as a "game," and we're here to help make it as fun and interesting as possible. 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PPS - Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Oct 3, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 008

Welcome to "The Practical Path" - a new podcast on personal and spiritual growth. Our new Facebook page is now "live!" We'd love to hear your comments, ideas, stories and more. Visit The Practical Path Podcast on Facebook

Vicki Wagoner has built a career around her work as a "practical intuitive." She uses her years of experience as a hypnotherapist, spiritual guide and life coach to help others see life and experience from a "different perspective." 

On this show, we'll be exploring topics of personal growth, based on our belief system What is that "system?" That we are here on Planet Earth to experience all that life has to offer - both the positive and the negative - so that we can continue to learn and grow, and continue to become better, more loving individuals, at all stages of life. 

Big topics and big issues, for sure... but we promise to talk about everything in the most down-to-earth, positive way possible. Life is often described as a "game," and we're here to help make it as fun and interesting as possible. 

Also, stop by the website The Practical Path Podcast, and get your free copy of "Flipping the Switch, How To Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice." We talk a lot about motivation on the show. This will help you create a bit more - if needed - in your life. 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PPS - Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Sep 26, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 007

Welcome to "The Practical Path" - a new podcast on personal and spiritual growth. Our new Facebook page is now "live!" We'd love to hear your comments, ideas, stories and more. Visit The Practical Path Podcast on Facebook

Vicki Wagoner has built a career around her work as a "practical intuitive." She uses her years of experience as a hypnotherapist, spiritual guide and life coach to help others see life and experience from a "different perspective." 

On this show, we'll be exploring topics of personal growth, based on our belief system What is that "system?" That we are here on Planet Earth to experience all that life has to offer - both the positive and the negative - so that we can continue to learn and grow, and continue to become better, more loving individuals, at all stages of life. 

Big topics and big issues, for sure... but we promise to talk about everything in the most down-to-earth, positive way possible. Life is often described as a "game," and we're here to help make it as fun and interesting as possible. 

Don't Forget! Stop by the website The Practical Path Podcast, and get your free copy of "Flipping the Switch, How To Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice." We talk a lot about motivation on the show. This will help you create a bit more - if needed - in your life. 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PPS - Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Sep 19, 2024 5:0 AM
The Practical Path - A Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth
The Practical Path - a Podcast for Personal and Spiritual Growth - EP 006

Welcome to "The Practical Path" - a new podcast on personal and spiritual growth. Our new Facebook page is now "live!" We'd love to hear your comments, ideas, stories and more. Visit The Practical Path Podcast on Facebook

Vicki Wagoner has built a career around her work as a "practical intuitive." She uses her years of experience as a hypnotherapist, spiritual guide and life coach to help others see life and experience from a "different perspective." 

On this show, we'll be exploring topics of personal growth, based on our belief system What is that "system?" That we are here on Planet Earth to experience all that life has to offer - both the positive and the negative - so that we can continue to learn and grow, and continue to become better, more loving individuals, at all stages of life. 

Big topics and big issues, for sure... but we promise to talk about everything in the most down-to-earth, positive way possible. Life is often described as a "game," and we're here to help make it as fun and interesting as possible. 

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you every week. 

With appreciation;
Bill Sklodowski
Vicki Wagoner 

PS - Interested in a personal session with Vicki? She connects with clients everywhere through Zoom and phone call. Get in touch with her via email:, phone at 239-248-0586, or visit her Facebook page at: 

PPS - Bill is a computer and technology's something he's passionate about. You can see his iPhone, iPad and computer training videos on YouTube. Here's his channel: Bills iPhone Tips - YouTube

Sep 12, 2024 5:0 AM