One Year Later

One Year Later

One Year Later is a special series that takes a new approach to the national political debate. A year after a polarizing election, three hosts, each with a distinct perspective, speak honestly about America's differences and look for ways to bridge the country's divides. What's your perspective? Call us at 424-272-7082 ! Share your thoughts .

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One Year Later
President Trump and the imagined war on Christmas

President Trump’s first year in office has impacted Americans well beyond policy. He’s in every story, in everything, it seems. On our final show, we look at how he and Republicans have even politicized Christmas. We discuss how Americans celebrate in ways that look different than a Hallmark card — including people who want their holiday symbols, like Santa — to look like them.

Dec 22, 2017 11:0 AM

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One Year Later
The politics of pot

Recreational marijuana will be legal in California in 2018. Who will benefit from the potential economic boom?

Dec 21, 2017 11:0 AM
One Year Later
What the tax bill has to do with U.S. wealth inequality

The richest one percent of Americans control about 38 percent of the wealth in the United States. Analysts report that the Republican tax bill, very soon to be the Republican tax law, will only exacerbate the problem. How will this break down on racial and ethnic lines? Who benefits and who doesn't?

Dec 20, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Trump is rapidly reshaping the federal courts

President Trump is often criticized for not having any “major accomplishments.”  However, his judicial picks, including Neil Gorsuch, could have a more lasting impact than any bill he signs. Barring impeachment or resignation, these judges — almost all white, conservative men — will have their jobs for life.

Dec 19, 2017 11:0 AM
One Year Later
Puerto Rico's long road to recovery

Almost three months after Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, the U.S. territory is still struggling to get basic necessities like water and power. The islands were already dealing with a crushing amount of debt before the storms, how should the U.S. help its territory recover?

Dec 18, 2017 11:0 AM
One Year Later
What does the film 'Coco' mean for the Latino community?

The film Coco has resonated with Latinos in the US who have been battered by the anti-Latino rhetoric coming out of the White House. Can a Pixar hit and it's loveable protagonist boost a community's self esteem? 

Dec 15, 2017 4:0 PM
One Year Later
Immigration crackdown shifts to country's interior

As a candidate, President Trump promised to round up and deport "bad hombres." But a spike in deportations and arrests are also sweeping up immigrants with deep ties to the United States and minor or no criminal history. Seizures in the interior of the country have increased 42 percent over last year. Grassroots groups and clergy have stepping up to try to shield immigrants.

Dec 14, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
A turf war over public lands

President Trump waded into a decades old battle over federal public lands when he announced he was drastically scaling back two national monuments created by Presidents Clinton and Obama. We explore the future of public lands and the Antiquities Act.

Dec 13, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Elitism in America

Much of the criticism of liberals after the 2016 election revolved around coastal elites and the media being disconnected from white working class Americans. Are the "Blue Coasts" still mocking the flyover states -- and helping empower Trump in the process?

Dec 12, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Are immigrant workers bad for the working class?

Populists on the Left and Nativists on the Right seem to agree on one thing: that a ready supply of immigrant workers is undermining American workers. But with unemployment at new lows, are US workers just scapegoating immigrants?

Dec 11, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Can Democrats capitalize on Republican woes?

President Trump's approval ratings are at historic lows.The GOP's tax and healthcare bills have been panned. Sexual misconduct scandals may define the party. Democrats are being handed a golden opportunity, but will they blow it?  

Dec 8, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Is Trump a threat to the rule of law?

The president has gone after the FBI, judges and the First Amendment. But so far his vendetta against so-called sanctuary cities has failed and his attorney general won't start an investigation against Hillary Clinton. Will he spark a Constitutional standoff with the special counsel?  Is the GOP forfeiting its claim to be the party of law and order?

Dec 7, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Young conservatives and the future of the GOP

Millennials will soon be the largest voting bloc in US political history. They're less motivated by party affiliation than Baby Boomers, but they are overwhelmingly anti-Trump. Can they break the partisan log-jam? 

Dec 6, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Why are so many Evangelicals standing by Trump?

The executive power to make judicial appointments is helping drive evangelicals support for President Trump -- and now Roy Moore. But are Christian conservatives putting their politics before their religious beliefs? What are the long-term consequences for the evangelical movement?

Dec 5, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Is the US taking care of its allies?

Trump campaigned on a foreign policy he called America First. He's praised autocrats and antagonized traditional allies. Is US foreign policy working under Trump?

Dec 4, 2017 4:0 PM
One Year Later
Parenting in the age of Trump

President Trump confounds and infuriates his political critics. He also has many parents tearing their hair out. They want their kids to be kind, honest and polite but when the president is the bully-in-chief what do they tell their kids?

Dec 1, 2017 4:0 PM
One Year Later
How Donald Trump unites Democrats and Republicans – against him

Longtime conservative Bill Kristol has become a liberal icon of sorts in his opposition to Trump. Kristol rocked the political world when he tweeted, "The GOP tax bill's bringing out my inner socialist." From sex scandals to fiscal reform, some loyal Republicans think the party has gone off the rails. Is the party rescuable? 

Nov 30, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Washington's swamp keeps getting deeper

Donald Trump promised to drain the swamp but so far he's expanded it. We've seen nepotism, conflicts of interest, self-dealing and lots and lots of lying. And we're not even a year into his presidency. Is Trump going to make Washington even sleazier? Where is the Congressional oversight? Do Americans care if the president is making money off his office?

Nov 29, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Breitbart, fake news and the First Amendment

The Trump Administration has gone to war with the mainstream media and the First Amendment. Trump thinks letting the press write whatever it wants is a terrible idea. Meanwhile a right wing mouthpiece for Trump may be taking over your local TV news. Is the president a threat to a free press? Can the mainstream media cover him objectively?

Nov 28, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
The Republicans who want their party back

Donald Trump's election stunned and alarmed Democrats, but it also rocked the political world of many lifelong Republicans.The party they thought they knew turned out to be something quite different -- and some are finding common ground with former political opponents.

Nov 27, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
When the sports field becomes a political battlefield

Race and sports have always been intertwined in America — but under Trump, they are inseparable in a new way. Why does the president repeatedly single out sports figures of color for criticism?

Nov 22, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
The religious left raises its voice

For decades, the political right has made religiosity their brand. But a "religious left" has risen since President Trump's election, and progressive clergy members have witnessed a renewal of interest in spirituality. Have evangelical conservatives finally met their match in the political arena?

Nov 21, 2017 1:0 PM
One Year Later
Why won't the debate over the Civil War go away?

The Civil War may have ended more than 152 years ago, but the battle over the national memory of the conflict -- and the motive for Southern secession -- has flared anew. From confederate monument defenders on the streets to the pop historians in the White House, the whitewashed "Lost Cause" rationale -- of Southern honor and states' rights -- is getting a new lease on life in 2017.

Nov 20, 2017 4:0 PM
One Year Later
Growing up black with Trump in the White House

Donald Trump's exploitation of white racial resentment helped cement his victory in 2016, but it also revealed a lot about our culture. When One Year Later host Jamil Smith visited his hometown in Cleveland, he spoke with young black students at his high school about what it's like to live through the Trump presidency.

Nov 17, 2017 11:0 AM
One Year Later
Second Amendment, guns, and race

Social science researchers have found that support for gun rights is strongest among whites who are racially prejudiced. However, since Donald Trump's election, it's black Americans who feel the need to protect themselves. Does everyone have the same Second Amendment rights?

Nov 16, 2017 11:0 AM