Koreaworld, gas station cookies, vegan pie, pasta shapes

Good Food

Koreaworld, gas station cookies, vegan pie, pasta shapes


Published on Apr 26, 2024, 12:00:00 PM
Total time: 00:57:15

Episode Description

Deuki Hong and Matt Rodbard think the worldwide appeal of K-pop and Korean cinema has boosted modern Korean food. Operating out of a gas station, how does Arezou Appel make some of LA's best cookies? Jennifer Yee of Baker's Bench talks about the joys and pitfalls of vegan pies. Dan Pashman dives into the global pantry to develop innovative pasta recipes. Sweet spring strawberries arrive at SoCal farmers markets. 

More about Good Food

Everything you wanted to know about good cooking and good eating from LA chef, author, radio host and restaurateur Evan Kleiman.