Problem Child

Invisible Choir

Problem Child


Published on May 14, 2023, 8:15:00 PM
Total time: 01:04:03

Episode Description

On August 8, 2007, EMS arrived at a residential property in Esto, FL to render life saving aid to an unresponsive 7-year-old girl who had been found floating face down in a backyard pool. The child’s mother, Amanda Lewis, showed every sign of a parent in distress as her daughter was airlifted to the hospital. 7-year-old Adrianna Hutto tragically died and almost became another statistic in a long list of annual accidental drownings…that is, until a key witness came forward saying her death was no accident at all… 

Written by Michael Dunphy Jr., Executive Produced by Michael Ojibway. Excerpts from included police interrogations and interviews have been edited for time, context, and clarity. 


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Music & Sound Effect Sources

  • Opening Track: “The Downside” by Matt Harvey

  • Closing Track: “Satin” by JMPSCR


Music & Sound Effect Sources

All music and sound effects used with express permission under unlimited blanket license authority from Epidemic Sound ® and SoundStripe ®.  Individual sources are available via request at


More about Invisible Choir

The Invisible Choir true crime podcast examines the most heinous murders through investigative storytelling, primary source audio, and victim testimonials. We aim to bring voice to the voiceless, and visibility to the invisible.