I Was Almost a School Shooter

Invisible Choir

I Was Almost a School Shooter


Published on Mar 19, 2023, 8:52:47 AM
Total time: 00:58:20

Episode Description

In 1996, 17-year-old Aaron Stark of Denver, CO had made up his mind. He was going to become a school shooter. Before the days of Columbine, there weren’t metal detectors at every entrance or armed community services officers standing guard in American schools. In fact, it was relatively easy for a kid to bring a gun to school. Aaron had it all planned out. He knew exactly how he was going to get the weapon and in his mind, there was no turning back. But ultimately that is exactly what he did. We had a chance to speak with Aaron…and not from his prison cell, but instead on a Zoom call from the comfort of his own home.

Written by Michael Dunphy Jr., Executive Produced by Michael Ojibway. Special thanks to Aaron Stark for participating in an exclusive interview and for sharing his perspective. 


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Written/Audio Sources: 

Music & Sound Effect Sources

  • Opening Track: “Ambient Cave” by Lance Conrad 

  • Closing Track: “Aureole of Hope” by Rand Aldo 


Music & Sound Effect Sources

All music & sound effects used with express permission under unlimited blanket license authority from Epidemic Sound ® & SoundStripe ®.  Individual sources are available via request at info@invisiblechoir.com

More about Invisible Choir

The Invisible Choir true crime podcast examines the most heinous murders through investigative storytelling, primary source audio, and victim testimonials. We aim to bring voice to the voiceless, and visibility to the invisible.