KSL Greenhouse

KSL Greenhouse

Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen live on Saturdays from 8-11am.

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KSL Greenhouse
KSL Greenhouse Full Show 3/8/25
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Here’s what we covered this week: 
  • And more of your questions and concerns! 
Mar 8, 2025 11:13 AM

More Episodes

KSL Greenhouse
Tips for Pruning Fruit Trees
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • What are some apple tree varieties I can plant next to a healthy but old Golden Delicious tree?
  • What preventative measures can I take this year to avoid wasp problems on my blackberries and raspberries?
  • Should used coffee grounds be added to soil?
  • Should I start pruning my peach tree?
  • What’s the best way to apply chelated iron to a maple tree, ash trees, and sycamores?
  • What is coryneum blight and how do you treat it? 
  • Questions: When’s the best time to prune Black Lace elderberry?
  • What do I do after planting annuals in pots where my tulips used to be in?
  • Is a hydrangea supposed to be planted outside?
  • If I remove a peach tree that was attacked by borers, can I plant a new peach tree in the same spot?
  • Do I renewal prune cherry bushes and honeyberries?
  • Is it safe to plant a vegetable garden by a fence that’s been oil stained?
  • Where should I buy a peach tree, and do they need lots of sun or shade? 
  • What’s a dwarf cherry that stays around 6 to 8 feet?
  • How will caladium do in the Utah County area?
  • What are some recommendations for a nectarine tree?
  • Is there a way to prevent bugs from getting on my roses this coming season?
  • Can I prune my apple, pear, peach, plum, roses, and grapes all today?
  • What are the tiny white bugs on my primocane raspberries?
  • What are some good-tasting dwarf peaches for Utah, and where’s the best place to buy them?
  • Do I need to prune columnar apple trees? 
Mar 8, 2025 10:58 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Weed Control Using Lawn Pre-Emergent
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • Questions: Can I treat grubs and use lawn patching seed at the same time?
  • Is a garage too cold to start seedlings if there’s a heating pad and a grow light?
  • What’s the best process for tackling perennials that were not cut back in the fall?
  • Can I apply pre-emergent to kill morning glory in an area that I xeriscaped?
  • What can I do if my Lenten rose hasn’t bloomed for several years?
  • Is there anything that can be done to promote blossoms on a pomegranate bush?
  • Can I put pre-emergent in my raspberry patch to control weeds?
  • Can I start moving my lupines outside?
  • What’s a flower that has blue blossoms and would be a good cut flower for arrangements?
  • How do I treat and prevent dandelions in my lawn?
  • If I aerated in the fall, do I need to do it again this spring?
  • Do I aerate before or after applying pre-emergent?
  • What is Turflon Ester?
  • Is it okay to prune fruit trees and then use a dormant oil spray right after?
  • If I want to apply both pre-emergent and overseed this spring, how would I time the application of each?
  • Where’s the best place to purchase 200 strawberry plugs?
  • How can I stop a cherry tree from blossoming?
  • Should I trim my weeping redbud tree so that it doesn’t reach the ground, and is now a good time?
  • Is there a commercial product I can use to rototill in with my garden and flower beds?
  • What's causing my wisteria to bloom so much, and when’s the correct time to put down chelate iron for my green maple?
  • What should I know when converting from flood irrigation to sprinkler systems?
  • Will a pre-emergent adhere adequately to a near-vertical surface?
  • Where can I plant a bareroot nectarine tree? 
  • When can I apply fungicide on my lawn for necrotic ring spot, and should I aerate?
  • Should I spread a light layer of sand over my grass to help break down clay soil before or after aerating?
  • What kind of maples do well in Utah’s clay alkaline soil, and what kinds should be avoided? 
Mar 8, 2025 10:0 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Plant of the Week: Burkwood Viburnum
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • What are some raspberry varieties that produce successfully in Utah?
  • What are some tips for growing okra this year?
  • Do I keep my chicken and hen starts in bright windowsill or put them out on covered patio?
  • Can I grow ornamental sweet peas in the same garden as regular peas?
  • When’s a good time to bring up my trenched tree roses? 
  • How do I care for clematis to make blooms through the summer?
  • Is it too late to put down chelate iron for green maple trees?
  • What’s the best way to get crape myrtle trees to grow in Utah?
  • How do I care for the rose of Sharon, wisteria, mock orange, and the burning bush plants?
  • For spurge pre-emergent, what products contain Isoxaben besides Gallery, and is TZone just as effective?
  • Is it time to cut down the butterfly bushes? 
  • How is pruning a climbing rose different from pruning a tea rose?
  • When do I put down poison for grasshoppers?
  • What can I do about voles and moles attacking my trees and shrubs right now?
  • What should I do if my sansevieria loses leaves every time it’s watered?
  • Is it too early to put Mammoth sunflower seeds in the ground?
  • Am I supposed to down the flower spikes on my coral bells to the ground?
  • What’s the best way to manage the long vertical shoots coming up on my apple and plum trees when I prune the ends of the branches?
  • Is it time to plant zinnia seeds? 
Mar 8, 2025 9:2 AM
KSL Greenhouse
KSL Greenhouse Full Show 3/1/25
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Here’s what we covered this week: 
  • And more of your questions and concerns! 
Mar 1, 2025 11:4 AM
KSL Greenhouse
When to Plant Vegetables Along the Wasatch Front
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • What’s the best way to get rid of fairy rings in my lawn, and when?
  • When can I prune my mature Braeburn apple tree?
  • How do I prevent the leaves on my plum and pluot trees from curling this year?
  • Would Thuja Green Giants be good as privacy trees? 
  • When’s a good time to remove the straw from my strawberry plants?
  • How do I prune my peach trees?
  • What are some recommendations for filling my garden boxes?
  • Is it time to plant goji?
  • When do I prune my apricot tree?
  • Should fruit trees be pruned every year?
  • What can I do about the hundreds of ants in my strawberry pots? 
  • What can I do if my grass is extremely bumpy?
  • Do I need to worry about the roots of my Oklahoma redbud tree causing a problem on my sidewalk?
  • When and how should I prune my cherry tree, and when should I spray it?
  • What’s causing the leaves of my elm tree to fall early and not turn green? 
Mar 1, 2025 10:58 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Pruning Shrubs and Hedges
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • Is autumn crocus the same as the crocus that produces saffron?
  • Can I reseed the damaged section of my yard right now?
  • When should I spray Neem oil on maple trees to treat aphids?
  • What are some recommendations for shade tolerant, pollinator-friendly plants that don’t require a lot of water?
  • Can I prevent autumn powdery mildew on my pumpkins now?
  • Is there anything I can do to help my transplanted rose survive and bloom this year?
  • Is it a good idea to put Preen down in the vegetable garden now to prevent weeds?
  • Can I transplant daylilies now, and how much sun do they need?
  • When can I remove white tree wrap?
  • How far do I need to move tomatoes to rotate them?
  • Would pruning fruit trees now bring infection in a prune cut if it rains after?
  • How and when do I prune yucca? Is it time to start seeds indoors? 
  • Can I prune my honeysuckle?
  • How do I keep my grape hyacinths contained so they don’t invade my vegetable garden?
  • Is there anything I can do now to get rid of grass in my asparagus patch?
  • When’s the best time to put down pest control for lawn grubs?
  • What prep work do I need to do to overseed my lawn, and when should I do it?
  • When should I apply liquid iron chelate to my maple tree roots?
  • What should I do if the roots of my Russian sage is propagating into my lawn?
  • Is there anything I can spray on my California poppies for thistles without killing them?
  • What are some tips for planting along a fence?
  • Is there anything I can do to make my rose bush healthier if it’s black and red around the edges of the leaves? 
  • When should I prune my Everbearing raspberries and apple trees?
  • Can I cut the roots of my flowering pear trees and repour cement without causing damage to the trees?
  • Is it too early to prune a peach tree?
  • Where can I find a certified fruit tree pruner?
  • What are some alternatives to petunias for my summer pot?
Mar 1, 2025 10:1 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Plant of the Week: Common Crocus
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • When’s the best time to trim rose bushes?
  • Is it a good idea to fertilize lawns this time of year?
  • When’s the best time to trim old lilac bushes, and how much is too much?
  • Can I transplant my peony now?
  • Are crocus bulbs deer resistant?
  • When and how do you fertilize fruit trees?
  • Should I split my established hostas and, if so, when?
  • When do I lay down a grass weed preventative and fertilizer mix?
  • Will using Preen or another pre-emergent in a garden with bulbs harm the bulbs? 
  • Can a weed killer be used in a garden that has bulbs?
  • Can I transplant my silverleaf maples into containers now?
  • Is it okay to prune fruit trees this weekend?
  • Should I be concerned about the mold all over my lawn?
  • Is there anything that will slow down my Austrian pines from dropping needles and pinecones? 
  • What are some beneficial nematodes I can purchase?
  • What can I do to prevent squash bugs?
  • When can I prune roses?
  • When do I cut back my severely overgrown grape vines?
  • When should I begin to prune my plum and apple trees?
  • How should I trim overgrown Otto Luyken bushes?
  • Should I seed my gravel front yard and park strip and when should I start?
  • Can I prune decorative trees this time of year?
  • Is the saffron crocus available in this area? 
Mar 1, 2025 9:3 AM
KSL Greenhouse
KSL Greenhouse Full Show 2/22/25
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Here’s what we covered this week: 
  • 9 o’clock feature: Dormant Sprays: What They Do and When to Apply Them 
  • And more of your questions and concerns! 
Feb 22, 2025 11:15 AM
KSL Greenhouse
The Challenges of Growing Honeycrisp Apples
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • When should I start tomato seeds indoors?
  • Where can I purchase a pussy willow tree, and where should I plant it?
  • When and how much should I prune an ornamental cherry tree?
  • How should I care for an apple tree that has grown from the suckers of my Honeycrisp apple tree?
  • What’s a pear tree variety I can replace a Bartlett pear tree with?
  • What are some recommendations for low light houseplants that grow upright?
  • Will Preen hurt my emerging daffodils and tulips?
  • When’s the best time to start aerating? 
  • What are some varieties of strawberry that have large fruit?
  • Why are my Bartlett pears tan and not ripening?
  • Why does my Jonagold apple tree have deep bruises all around it?
  • What’s a good source for ranunculus?
  • Is it really necessary to aerate my lawn and, if so, how often?
  • Where can I find Jonathan apple trees?
  • How would the hybrid Bermuda grass Tahoma 31 do in Bountiful? 
  • Is it okay to remove some lower limbs from my flowering pear tree this time of year?
  • Where can I get lemongrass?
  • How should I choose which branches to keep when pruning my Pacific Sunset maple?
  • When and what fruit tree varieties should I plant in a yard with limited sunlight? 
Feb 22, 2025 10:58 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Dormant Sprays: What They Do and When to Apply Them
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • Feature: Dormant Sprays: What They Do and When to Apply Them 
  • Can zucchini be treated like winter squashes, and can winter squashes be eaten young and tender in the warm season?
  • Which would be better to plant in the Salt Lake area, the bald cypress or the dawn redwood?
  • When and how much should I prune my rose bushes?
  • Is now the right time of year to prune apple trees and climbing roses?
  • When should I apply fertilizer on my lawn and Image to prevent spurge?
  • Will dormant spray help with grape leafhoppers?
  • What are some tips to be successful with starting shade tolerant perennials from seed?
  • Would a dormant spray work on roses?
  • What do I do if my Walla Walla onion seeds won’t germinate?
  • What else can I do to control voles if vole poison didn’t work? 
  • Can I spray dormant oil on the bare ground before planting if spider mites attack my bedding plants? How does gypsum work in clay soil?
  • How do I prune water shoots on a crabapple?
  • When do I trim my butterfly bush?
  • What’s causing the leaves of my cherry tree to curl up, and what's the black substance on them?
  • When should I be buying and transplanting raspberry and/or blackberry plants?
  • Where would be a good place to buy flower plugs?
  • When should I prune grapes?
  • When's the best time to put down grass seed?
  • Can I use fertilizer and Isoxaben at the same time on my lawn? 
  • How far should I plant new Lemon Elberta Dwarf Peach trees from the diseased ones?
  • How can I prepare my soil to plant bare root Merlot grapes?
  • When’s the best time to plant rose bushes?
  • Why am I getting a lot of dead leaves on my geraniums?
  • What can I successfully plant in my new greenhouse in the next few weeks?
  • Is it normal for a Triple Crown blackberry to still have a lot of green leaves?
  • When do I start treating bindweed? 
Feb 22, 2025 10:0 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Plant of the Week: English Daisy
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • Will we be able to purchase hybrid Bermuda grass this year? 
  • Can I dig out the roots of my Blue Point Spiral juniper and replant it this spring?
  • Is purslane actually edible and nutritious?
  • Is my flowering pear tree going to continue dropping little berries?
  • When and how should I trim my English walnut tree?
  • How early before the last frost should I start my seeds if I plant to up-pot my tomato before planting outside?
  • What can I do if my columnar spruce is reddish orange?
  • What should I look for in a seed starter kit with a light? 
  • Is it too early to prune my roses?
  • Can my amaryllis recover if the stem and all of the leaves have been chopped off?
  • Do I need to remove the needles in my blue spruce trees? 
Feb 22, 2025 9:2 AM
KSL Greenhouse
KSL Greenhouse Full Show 2/15/25
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Here’s what we covered this week: 
  • Guest host: Liz Hamilton, horticulturist 
  • 9 o’clock feature: Growing Little Fruit Trees 
  • And more of your questions and concerns! 
Feb 15, 2025 11:4 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Planting for Pollinators
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Guest host: Liz Hamilton, horticulturist 
  • Is there a plant I can use to keep cats from using my flower bed as a bathroom?
  • Is there a way to treat my ash tree for borers myself?
  • What are some lemon and lime tree varieties I can grow in northern Arizona? 
  • What’s a pet-safe solution for killing gnats on my indoor plants?
  • What can I do if there’s a ring in my lawn that keeps expanding?
  • How do I collect soil samples?
  • Do I need fertilizer or anything else now that my garlic have sprouted, and when should I plan to harvest them?
  • What steps should I take this year to prevent root weevils on my rose shrubs and peonies?
  • Would a houseplant systemic kill gnats? 
  • How do I get rid of snails?
  • What are some potted citrus plants I can grow indoors?
  • Why is my amaryllis sending up leaves at the edge of the pot besides the leaves on the bulb?
  • Why have my raspberries stopped growing and producing edible fruit this past year? 
Feb 15, 2025 10:58 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Growing Smaller Fruit Trees
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Guest host: Liz Hamilton, horticulturist 
  • Feature: Growing Smaller Fruit Trees 
  • What are some tips or strategies for growing a Meyer lemon tree indoors?
  • What are some vining or climbing plants that could survive in a pot during winter?
  • Is now the time to trim my catalpa tree to its umbrella shape?
  • When’s the best time to prune my laurels?
  • What are some tips for water seed starts from the bottom?
  • How early can I fertilize my tulip and daffodil bulbs, and what would be the best thing to fertilize them with? 
  • Would it be feasible for my apple tree to grow and produce apples if I do an espalier from the suckers?
  • When should I trim off the branches of my Russian sage?
  • How do I fix my skinny, dangling tomatoes?
  • What are some plants that deer won’t usually feed on? 
  • Can I move my garlic cloves to a pot and grow them indoors?
  • How do I know if my watermelon vines have wilt disease? 
Feb 15, 2025 10:0 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Plant of the Week: Flowering Currant
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Guest host: Liz Hamilton, horticulturist 
  • What can we plant outdoors right now? 
  • What bulbs can we plant right now?
  • When and how do I sow cosmos? 
  • When should I start pruning my butterfly bush, and how much can it be cut back?
  • If I use a heat mat to start my tomato and pepper seeds, should I pull from heat and use light only indoors once they sprout?
  • When and how do I prune ornamental trees? 
Feb 15, 2025 9:0 AM
KSL Greenhouse
KSL Greenhouse Full Show 2/8/25
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Here’s what we covered this week: 
  • Guest host: Liz Hamilton, horticulturist 
  • And more of your questions and concerns! 
Feb 8, 2025 11:22 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Starting Plants from Seeds Indoors
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Guest host: Liz Hamilton, horticulturist 
  • What’s the best way to transplant an old shamrock plant?
  • How do I get rid of houseplant fungus gnats? 
  • Is it too late to prune my Kwanzan cherry tree?
  • When should I remove branches from my mature red maple, and how much?
  • When do I prune apple trees?
  • What are some plants that do well in window boxes? 
  • Is now a good time to do heavier cuts on my fruit trees for shaping purposes?
  • If I put Preen in my garden around my tomato plants, is it okay to till in the Preen before I add plants?
  • Is it normal for a Spring Snow crabapple tree’s root to keep surfacing? 
Feb 8, 2025 10:58 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Container Gardening with Small Plants and Vegetables
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Guest host: Liz Hamilton, horticulturist 
  • Should I use cactus food or houseplant food for my Christmas cactus?
  • How do I trim a wisteria that’s over two trees? 
  • What causes the bumps in my lawn?
  • What can I do to help my indoor geranium thrive in winter?
  • What should I do to prevent peach leaf curl?
  • Can I till the weeds in my garden after I burn them with a weed burner? 
  • What size pot do I need for one miniature tomato plant?
  • Can I apply dormant spray to roses?
  • What are some horticultural gardens in Great Britain that I should visit?
Feb 8, 2025 10:0 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Plant of the Week: Winter Aconite
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Guest host: Liz Hamilton, horticulturist 
  • QuestionsWhat can I do to help my dying begonia?
  • When’s the earliest I can spray GroundClear?
  • What are some shrubs that I can plant under and between pine trees?
  • When can I plant peonies?
  • What can I do if my Lenten rose hasn’t bloomed for several years?
  • Can I transplant some huge ornamental grasses if they’re growing where I don’t want them and, if so, when’s the best time to do that? 
  • Is it okay to prune my forsythia to keep it contained in a small space?
  • Would overseeding help my lawn? 
Feb 8, 2025 9:4 AM
KSL Greenhouse
KSL Greenhouse Full Show 2/1/25

Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse

Here’s what we covered this week: 

  • Guest hosts: JayDee Gunnell and Michael Caron with USU Extension  
  • 9 o’clock feature: Extending the Gardening Season with High Tunnels 
  • And more of your questions and concerns! 
Feb 1, 2025 11:20 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Guide to Spring Pruning
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Guest hosts: JayDee Gunnell and Michael Caron with USU Extension
  • What are some drought tolerant cover crops I can grow?
  • Would a systemic be the best way to prevent aphids on my plum and apricot trees?
  • Are my SunSugar seeds still good to use in a few weeks if they arrived in an envelope that got wet?
  • Do I prune nectarine trees the same way we would prune peach trees?
  • What’s the best method to organically remove peachtree borers?
  • Can I top off my lilacs when renewal pruning?
  • How do I get rid of the fairy rings in my front yard?
  • Aside from removing the tree, how do I keep a female boxelder from producing seed?
  • Why does June drop happen, and how can it be prevented?
  • What should I do to help my London plane tree that's gotten scale and mildew? 
  • Is there a way to sterilize my tree without killing it?
  • Does a systemic application on one plum tree affect other trees close by?
  • When’s the best time to move my tulip tree and how?
  • Is there anything I can do to save my cherry tree from dying from infestation?
  • Is it better to do lawn care myself instead of through a lawn care service? 
Feb 1, 2025 10:58 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Extending the Gardening Season with High Tunnels
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Guest hosts: JayDee Gunnell and Michael Caron with USU Extension
  • Feature: Extending the Gardening Season with High Tunnels 
  • How is the slippery elm tree?
  • When do I prune a dogwood tree?
  • How can I make sure my grass is fully dead so I can remove it to start a garden?
  • Can I remove the wax from my amaryllises and keep them until next year and, if so, how?
  • When’s the best time to move a 2-year-old maple tree? 
  • How can I get my grass thick and healthy again?
  • Is it necessary or helpful to water trees and plants in a very dry winter even though they’re dormant?
  • Should I plant a silver maple tree 10 feet from my house or much farther away?
  • When should I be watering plants in the St. George area during winters? 
  • How can I kill my Siberian elm tree that’s growing between two fences without nuking the ground around it?
  • Should I overseed with a shade tolerant seed variety and, if so, what variety should I look for?
  • When and how far up my fruit trees do I apply dormant spray?
  • What do I use a greenhouse for in the winter?
  • When's the best time to transplant roses that I planted two years ago?
Feb 1, 2025 10:2 AM
KSL Greenhouse
Plant of the Week: Deciduous Conifers
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Guest hosts: JayDee Gunnell and Michael Caron with USU Extension
  • Are there any recommendations for a tree with red leaves?
  • With the rain and warmer weather this week, is it a good time to prune apple trees? 
  • Where’s the best place to buy grape hyacinth bulbs?
  • Can I plant tulip and daffodil bulbs in the ground in the spring so I can get them out of the shed?
  • Is it too early to prune apple trees?
  • Do I need to supplement water for my trees since there hasn’t been much snow?
  • Would any of my dawn redwoods’ seedlings grow well in Laketown?
  • Is there a possibility that my cherry tree will come back in the spring if all the leaves turned brown after I unintentionally overwatered it? 
  • What’s a hardy tree that grows quickly and isn’t messy?
  • What’s the best way to enrich my raised beds?
  • How can I get rid of the lily of the valley?
  • How early do I start zinnia seeds indoors to have them in bloom by Mother’s Day?
  • When’s the best time to plant goji from seed?
Feb 1, 2025 9:1 AM
KSL Greenhouse
KSL Greenhouse Full Show 1/25/25
Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
Here’s what we covered this week: 
  • 9 o’clock feature: Growing Cut Flowers with Horticulturist Laura Wright 
  • And more of your questions and concerns! 
Jan 25, 2025 11:44 AM