In December 2022, Tanea found herself unexpectedly invited to one of the infamous parties hosted by P. Diddy, known for their extravagant and often controversial nature. This invitation, facilitated by a prince she met in Los Angeles, seemed like a golden opportunitya stepping stone into the celebrity-filled world of music and fame. Little did she know, this night would unfold into a nightmare of drug-fueled orgies, exploitation, and rampant misconduct. Tune in now to hear the full recount of what happened.
[00:00] Diddy's party: Fame turns to nightmarish trap.
[03:42] Stayed longer than planned, visited P. Diddy.
[09:00] Awkward encounter leads to entering the house.
[11:40] Feeling trapped, suspicious of motives at party.
[13:39] Felt deceived, left after unmet promises.
[16:30] Unwanted advances and control by P. Diddy.
[20:58] Celebrities drugging girls when intoxicated, unaware.
[23:34] Feeling fear amid unwanted advances and choices.