Ep. #615: A NEED TO KNOW w/ Grant Cameron

Into The Parabnormal

Ep. #615: A NEED TO KNOW w/ Grant Cameron


Published on Sep 7, 2023, 4:00:00 AM
Total time: 01:21:40

Episode Description

The history of UFO disclosure efforts being stonewalled sheds light on who has a need to know and who does not. Presidents through the years have supposedly been showed the evidence and sworn to secrecy while some have pushed for the release of information during their terms in office. Jeremy welcomes Grant Cameron to discuss Jimmy Carter's sighting, his promise to release the secrets and the work his administration did to secure the release of documents.

More about Into The Parabnormal

Heard on radio stations across America, Jeremy Scott and his guests investigate everything between the paranormal and abnormal. We entertain those fringe topics, diving deep into subjects that are very often ahead of their times and censored or even banned from the mainstream.