July 24, 2024. Those crazy Houthis are threatening Israel! 10K anti-tourist wackos march in the streets in Palma De Mallorrca!

The Daily Cruise and Travel News "Podcast" with Tom Drake

July 24, 2024. Those crazy Houthis are threatening Israel! 10K anti-tourist wackos march in the streets in Palma De Mallorrca!


Published on Jul 24, 2024, 10:02:27 AM
Total time: 00:35:17

Episode Description

Oceania's new Asian itineraries include a six-day round trip from Singapore!

Princess decides not to install the RollGlider on their new ship. The Guru thinks that is a smart move!

Danish police arrest marine activist Paul Watson in Greenland using an Interpol warrant from Japan!

Delta is still trying to get their systems online after the Crowdstrike faulty update!

Will the new Hawaii Tourism credibility program called Quarator help sell any travel?

More about The Daily Cruise and Travel News "Podcast" with Tom Drake
After almost 30 years of performing stand-up comedy on cruise ships worldwide, Tom Drake has seen everything, done everything, and so now he knows everything! 
That is why he is called the "Guru of the Seas." 
His podcast delivering all of the day's cruise and travel news can be heard every Monday thru Saturday, as Tom says, wherever people "pod their cast."
Offering an "unfiltered view" of the cruise and travel industry, Tom delivers the news and then gives his opinion on what it all means, or as Tom says, "it's the days' news with a bit of commentary."
If you are a fan of cruising, or maybe someone who gets frustrated with air travel, or maybe someone who likes to laugh and enjoys a little bit of frank, honest opinion, you will enjoy this podcast!