Episode 209: UX Potpourri — The "Dog Years" Episode

The World of UX with Darren Hood

Episode 209: UX Potpourri — The "Dog Years" Episode


Published on May 14, 2024, 1:40:00 PM
Total time: 00:32:57

Episode Description

It has been said that the years a UX professional spends at one company is like "dog years." In other words, there is a 7:1 ratio between the years of a dog's life compared to that of a human. This puts a completely different spin on the assumptions made about an employee's short stints. This week, Darren takes time to demystify several of the factors associated with one's length of time at a company — focusing on the perspectives of those seeking work as well as hiring managers and hiring teams. 

Check out the World of UX website at https://www.worldoux.com.

Visit the KaizenUX blog at https://uxuncensored.medium.com.  

More about The World of UX with Darren Hood
The World of UX podcast, hosted by UX and experience design veteran, educator, and conference speaker, Darren Hood, is dedicated to presenting topics covering and addressing all things UX. We'll cover every UX-related method, discipline trend, career advancement and challenges, education recommendations, UX maturity levels, and maturity level management, and much much more. If you'd like to stay informed about UX, The World of UX is for you!