011: Harshness has no place in a Godly husband’s life

You and Me and Jesus: A Christian Marriage Podcast

011: Harshness has no place in a Godly husband’s life


Published on Jul 22, 2023, 11:00:00 PM
Total time: 00:22:51

Episode Description

Full show notes: https://MorningMindsetMedia.com/YMJ011 

It's not uncommon for husbands to feel all kinds of potentially problematic things when traying to relate to their wives: frustration, confusion, irritation, impatience - and all of these can lead to harshness, which scripture clearly instructs husbands are NOT to express toward their wives. This episode, is about that.

FEATURED ON THIS EPISODE: The Marriage Improvement Project devotional: https://MorningMindsetMedia.com/mip 


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More about You and Me and Jesus: A Christian Marriage Podcast

Married Christians have the unparalleled opportunity to show the world a living example of Jesus' love for His bride, the church. Learn, directly from the scriptures, how to life-out that relationship in your marriage. Whether you've been married for years or are just engaged, you'll find encouragement, biblical wisdom, and help from this podcast. Co-hosted by Carey and Mindi Green, a Christian couple who have been married since 1989, have raised 5 kids, and have served in ministry in one way or another their entire married lives. Be ready for the serious, joyful, God-honoring work of building a marriage that exalts Jesus Christ and blesses the world.