Why does America need to invest in more third places?

The Ethical Life

Why does America need to invest in more third places?


Published on Jun 19, 2024, 12:00:30 PM
Total time: 00:48:26

Episode Description

Episode 147: Richard Kyte’s new book, “Finding Your Third Place: Building Happier Communities (and Making Great Friends Along the Way),” is hitting bookstore shelves this month, and he talks with Scott Rada about why we all need to find somewhere where everyone knows our name.

About the hosts

Scott Rada is a digital strategist with Lee Enterprises, and Richard Kyte is the director of the D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin. His book, "Finding Your Third Place," will be published by Fulcrum Books.

More about The Ethical Life

Scott Rada, Lee Enterprises social media manager, and Richard Kyte, director of the Ethics Institute at Viterbo University, talk about the intersection of ethics and modern life.

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