They're the "Click and Clack" of Wisconsin politics. Scott Milfred, editorial page editor for the Wisconsin State Journal, and Phil Hands, the newspaper's political cartoonist, analyze the most important issues and debates from the Badger State with political independence and a sense of humor. Instead of tedious talking points from the left and the right, "Center Stage" broadcasts from the sensible center with audio clips from the Wisconsin Capitol, from State Journal editorial board meetings, and from political events across the state.
Milfred and Hands respond to criticism that a recent political cartoon was ageist. It depicted Joe Biden's presidential lectern as a walker. Our political podcasters agree that making assumptions about older people is wrong. But when it comes to the president of the United States, lots of evidence from public appearances suggest he's lost a step, they contend. And Donald Trump isn't getting any younger, either. Age is a legitimate issue in this campaign, and Biden isn't helping his case to voters by avoiding press conferences that could prove his vigor. Our podcasters also address feedback on recent Wisconsin State Journal editorials about the Monona police and renaming Madison's airport.
Milfred and Hands sing political lyrics set to holiday songs. This year's jingles, written by Rick Horowitz, target Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Bob Menendez, Mike Johnson and more. Hands finds Santa leading the North Pole's curling team at a bonspiel in Madison. Hands tries to convince the jolly old elf Hands deserves to be on the nice list. Milfred plays guitar and tries to harmonize. The year in politics never sounded so cheery yet jeery.
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Milfred and Hands interview Sen. Rob Hutton, R-Brookfield, chair of the Senate Committee on Universities. The UW-Whitewater grad and southeast Wisconsin businessman talks about streamlining the Universities of Wisconsin with a smaller footprint, funding UW-Madison's new engineering building and encouraging free speech on campus. Unlike some of his Republican colleagues who are quick to bash higher education, Hutton calls UW system a "beacon for the state" with "tremendous economic impact." UW-Madison Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin is "a real asset," Hutton tells our podcasters. "It's hard to argue with what UW-Madison produces." Milfred and Hands marvel at the upbeat tone while highlighting Hutton's status as a swing-seat incumbent in suburban Milwaukee. He lost his Assembly seat by just 700 votes in 2020, only to win a Senate race two years later. "If we had more competitive seats," Milfred concludes, "we'd have more Rob Huttons."
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Milfred and Hands analyze the Republican Assembly speaker's dramatic flip-flop on the Iowa model for nonpartisan redistricting. They also highlight the Democrats flip of their own, searching for excuses to oppose a bill that's virtually the same as what they have long proposed. The Democrats are hoping a liberal-leaning state Supreme Court will help their political fortunes more than neutral map-drawers if voting districts are reshaped across Wisconsin before the next elections. Our political podcasters discuss the recent public hearing on the Iowa bill and where things might go from here -- including the possibility of the GOP-controlled Legislature overriding the Democratic governor's potential veto.
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Milfred and Hands talk all things housing with UW-Madison professor of urban planning Kurt Paulsen, who has been studying the region's expensive market for most of the last two decades. Paulsen explains why housing in the Madison region is so pricey, and what we can do about it.
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Milfred and Hands analyze a dozen potential Republicans who could challenge incumbent U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, for her seat in 2024. Baldwin appears in a strong position and has always been good at raising money. She's inoffensive to many Wisconsinites and has won over many rural voters with talk of protecting American jobs and sticking up for veterans. She also drew national attention as the lead senator successfully lobbying enough Republicans to approve a bill for gay marriage. Milfred and Hands think a GOP congressman would be the strongest opponent, but is unlikely to run. Others include the state's former lieutenant governor, a little known Franklin businessman and "America's sheriff."
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Most Republicans celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade last year, but the high-court decision is costing the party votes -- especially with young people and suburban women in swing states such as Wisconsin. On their latest political podcast, Milfred and Hands analyze recent statements by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Oshkosh, and U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden, R-Prairie du Chien, who seek to soften the party's stance on abortion. Johnson says Wisconsin should let voters decide the emotional issue in a 10-question referendum featuring ranked-choice voting. Van Orden floats a 15-week limit on legal abortion, despite his moral objections.
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Milfred and Hands analyze the spring election results and what they mean going forward. Democrats boosted turnout and drew broader support April 4 for their candidates largely because of their push to restore abortion rights. The winning candidate statewide and in Madison also had a lot more money. Our political podcasters aren't fans of judicial elections and suggest better ways to select top judges in Wisconsin. They also criticize losing high-court candidate Dan Kelly's sour grapes as well as winner Janet Protasiewicz's "Fab Four" embrace of a partisan team over independence.
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