Roger Nems: How He, Though Dead, Won the Game

True Crime Classics

Roger Nems: How He, Though Dead, Won the Game


Published on Aug 26, 2024, 6:00:00 PM
Total time: 00:29:57

Episode Description

In this intriguing episode of "Crime Classics," Thomas Hyland, the ever-curious connoisseur of crime, student of violence, and teller of murders, recounts the strange and eerie story of "Roger Nems: How He, Though Dead, Won the Game." Set during the reign of Charles II, this tale unfolds in the quiet countryside of Suffolk, England, in 1676.

Roger Nems, an unsuspecting gentleman, finds himself in a deadly game of croquet with his cousin John and their mutual friend Guy Marcy. But the peaceful afternoon soon turns sinister when Guy, driven by dark motives, delivers a fatal blow with his mallet, ending Roger’s life in an instant. However, the story doesn't end with Roger's death. In a twist of fate, Roger manages to achieve an unexpected victory, even from beyond the grave.

Written by Morton Fine and David Friedkin, with beautiful 18th-century music masterfully arranged by Bernard Herrmann, this episode masterfully weaves historical intrigue with suspenseful storytelling. The performances of actors like Alistair Duncan, Lou Merrill, and Ellen Morgan bring the drama to life, making it an episode you won't want to miss.

Keywords: "Roger Nems Crime Classics," "March 3, 1954 episode," "Crime Classics historical murder," "Thomas Hyland narration," "17th-century Suffolk crime," "Crime Classics podcast."

Tune in to discover how Roger Nems, despite his untimely death, won the game in this chilling episode of "Crime Classics."

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True Crime Classics

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