Who Should Be Next on the US Supreme Court?

To the Point

Who Should Be Next on the US Supreme Court?


Published on May 8, 2009, 11:00:00 AM
Total time: 00:50:58

Episode Description

Liberal or Moderate? Man or Woman? Black, White or Brown? Should the next Supreme Court Justice have judicial experience or a record of service in other branches of government? We hear different as President Obama gets ready to pick his first nominee. Also, the pace of unemployment slows, and Pope Benedict visits the Middle East.

More about To the Point

A monthly reality-check on the issues Americans care about most. Host Warren Olney draws on his decades of experience to explore the people and issues shaping – and disrupting - our world. How did everything change so fast? Where are we headed? The conversations are informal, edgy and always informative. If Warren's asking, you want to know the answer.