Pakistan and the Global Economy

To the Point

Pakistan and the Global Economy


Published on Nov 9, 2007, 11:00:00 AM
Total time: 00:50:56

Episode Description

Police-state tactics smothered political protest today in Pakistan, but a nuclear power is dangerously unstable. We hear what happened and what continued trouble could mean for the world economy, where the falling dollar and sub-prime mortgages are a threat to America's clout. Also, the spreading oil spill in San Francisco Bay.

More about To the Point

A monthly reality-check on the issues Americans care about most. Host Warren Olney draws on his decades of experience to explore the people and issues shaping – and disrupting - our world. How did everything change so fast? Where are we headed? The conversations are informal, edgy and always informative. If Warren's asking, you want to know the answer.