Is Pruitt the fox guarding the henhouse of clean water and power?

To the Point

Is Pruitt the fox guarding the henhouse of clean water and power?


Published on Feb 27, 2017, 11:00:00 AM
Total time: 00:51:29

Episode Description

When he was a public prosecutor, President Trump's choice as head of the EPA sued that same agency 14 times on behalf of oil and gas interests. What's at stake for the quality of air and water — and the effort to slow the rate of global warming?

More about To the Point

A monthly reality-check on the issues Americans care about most. Host Warren Olney draws on his decades of experience to explore the people and issues shaping – and disrupting - our world. How did everything change so fast? Where are we headed? The conversations are informal, edgy and always informative. If Warren's asking, you want to know the answer.