Governor Moonbean and his reform record

The Mixer

Governor Moonbean and his reform record


Published on Dec 21, 2018, 12:00:00 AM
Total time: 00:09:12

Episode Description

Jerry Brown is still the Governor of California. But not for long. He’s termed out – and on his way out – in January, when Gavin Newsom is set to take over as the state’s chief executive. Brown has been in public service for nearly half a century and when you service that long, you build a reputation for yourself. He’s known as being fiscally responsible. However, his legacy infrastructure projects – from high speed rail to water tunnels – have been mired in controversy, so far. So, when it comes to criminal justice reform, just how will the Governor be remembered?

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Steve Chiotakis talks to Los Angeles journalists about the week's leading news stories.