Composer Laura Karpman, new Disney and Netflix execs, and ‘peak Boomer cinema’

The Business

Composer Laura Karpman, new Disney and Netflix execs, and ‘peak Boomer cinema’


Published on Mar 1, 2024, 12:00:00 AM
Total time: 00:28:31

Episode Description

Kim Masters and Matt Belloni break down the latest executive hires at Netflix and Disney. They also take a look at Kevin Costner’s ambitious plans to theatrically release a four-part film saga set in the Old West. 

Plus, NPR contributor Jeff Lunden speaks to composer Laura Karpman about her work on two vastly different 2023 films: the Disney juggernaut The Marvels, and Cord Jefferson’s sharp comedy-drama, American Fiction, which led to her first Academy Award nomination.

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Lively banter about entertainment industry news and in-depth interviews with directors, producers, writers and actors, hosted by award-winning journalist Kim Masters of The Hollywood Reporter.