Coronavirus and TV industry: uncharted waters, plus streaming recommendations


Coronavirus and TV industry: uncharted waters, plus streaming recommendations


Published on Mar 17, 2020, 8:45:00 AM
Total time: 00:04:59

Episode Description

Over the past week, the TV industry moved quickly to first get rid of live audiences at late night tapings and game shows. Now those productions have been shut down altogether. The upfront presentations in New York have been moved to an entirely digital format, and Emmy campaigning looks uncertain. Meanwhile, we offer suggestions on what to watch when you’re stuck at home. 

More about Screengrab

Screengrab is a new KCRW commentary segment hosted by veteran TV journalists Michael Schneider and Joe Adalian. Each week, they'll have a lively discussion about the evolving world of television and that screens – be they tablets, phones or TV sets – increasingly dominate our lives.