Below the Ten: Life in South LA

Below the Ten: Life in South LA

Below the Ten: Stories of South LA is an ongoing series telling intimate stories about the people who live in the neighborhoods south of the 10 Freeway, including Watts, Jefferson Park, and Compton. The series is supported by a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.

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Most Recent Episode

Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Playing Trump

Every year, the students at ISLAH Academy, a private Islamic school inside a South LA mosque put on a winter program for their parents. 

Mar 15, 2017 10:0 AM

More Episodes

Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Bilal's Calling
Tyreek Bilal has gone through many transformations in his life. He’s been a confidant to powerful celebrities, a husband to six wives, father to 20 children and a celibate religious scholar. Now he's taking a stand against changes at his mosque and in his neighborhood.
Nov 11, 2016 10:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Meet Mr. Fries Man

Throughout South Los Angeles and the surrounding neighborhoods there’s a growing community of underground home chefs who sell food on Instagram. One of those chefs, a guy who goes by the name Mr. Fries Man, specializes in loaded french fries.

Nov 9, 2016 10:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Peacemakers: The Cop

As a black kid growing up in South LA, Lt. Michael Carodine was regularly mistreated by police. But for Lt. Carodine, bad policing was a problem that could be solved; and he would help solve it.

Mar 28, 2016 9:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Peacemakers: The Interventionist

When someone gets shot in Skipp Townsend's community, he is often one of the first on the scene. Sometimes he knows the victim personally. Skipp works as a gang interventionist with the LAPD.

Mar 28, 2016 9:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Peacemakers: The Activist

Lita Herron, a 69-year-old grandmother of six, witnessed repeated shootings in her community. But her fear turned to anger and then to action.  

Mar 28, 2016 9:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Local Hires

Several large developments are under construction south of the 10 Freeway, and some have initiatives to fill jobs with local, low-income workers. See how that can become a life-changing opportunity for job seekers burdened with a prison record.

Jan 13, 2016 12:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Young Hearts: A Prologue to The Long Commute

When Chris Chambers' bus broke down in a small town in Texas, it ended up being a blessing in disguise.

Jan 11, 2016 10:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
The Long Commute

On Aug. 26, 1954, Arthur Kitt Murray climbed into the cockpit of an experimental rocket at  Edwards Air Force Base, about a hundred miles north of Los Angeles in the Antelope Valley. Murray was about to fly as close to the stars as man had ever been. At 90,000 feet above the desert, Murray looked out the window of his cockpit and became the first human to see the curvature of the earth.

Nov 20, 2015 10:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Peddling Candy in South LA

Luis Sanchez, who dresses in drag and goes by the name Grace of the Sea, sells bacon wrapped pineapple stuffed hot dogs in Jefferson Park a couple days a week. He also sells candy out of a golden basket. 

Sep 16, 2015 10:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Grace of the Sea

Luis Gutierez Sanchez, who calls himself "Grace of the Sea," has been living in a garage in South LA for six years. But now he has to move. He tells his story of living as a gay undocumented immigrant in Los Angeles. Warning: This program contains explicit language and addresses adult topics and themes - including sex and drug use.

Aug 27, 2015 10:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
After Katrina, Finding Refuge in South LA

When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans ten years ago, Cassandra Cousin got out as soon as she could and relocated to South LA. Now, she lives with her son in a house next to her church, where she's found solace. "Another reason I don't want to go back down there is because I don't want to be in another hurricane. It was just too much for me," she says. 

Aug 26, 2015 10:0 AM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
The New Compton

Straight Outta Compton, the N.W.A. biopic opens this weekend, but a lot has changed in the city since the 90's. As part of our series Below the Ten: Life in South LA, producer David Weinberg looks at the Compton of today. 

Aug 12, 2015 4:0 PM
Below the Ten: Life in South LA
Introduction: Welcome to Below the Ten

Below the Ten: Life in South LA is an ongoing series telling intimate stories about the people who live in the neighborhoods south of the 10 Freeway, including Watts, Jefferson Park, and Compton.

Aug 10, 2015 12:0 AM