Call a Friend & Text Toe Typeoff with Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic: Life Without Limbs Radio

Call a Friend & Text Toe Typeoff with Nick Vujicic


Published on Jan 23, 2020, 9:04:40 PM
Total time: 00:16:06

Episode Description

Today I’m discussing calling a friend. We need friends – how do we see how God uses people around us?

We also announced our “text toe typeoff” – Take a video of yourself texting using your toe! Then share the video on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #ToeTypeOff.

Tell a friend! We’d love it if you subscribed on iTunes – use the link on the top of our page. — Nick

More about Nick Vujicic: Life Without Limbs Radio

Nick Vujicic shares his perspective, takes your questions, and shares from the Bible.  Visit for more information and resources.  Co-Hosted by Brian Boyd, CEO and Founder of CCB Marketing, a global digital marketing company - learn more at