Whom Shall You Serve?

Ignite with Barry Meguiar Podcast

Whom Shall You Serve?


Published on Jan 2, 2024, 3:00:00 AM
Total time: 00:07:58

Episode Description

It’s our responsibility to know the truth of God’s word. God has expectations for us, and He’s given us the Bible for our guide.  We have been tasked with the single purpose of living our lives for Jesus. And when we stand before God, He will hold us accountable. 


Times have changed. Friendships and loyalties are no longer reliable guides. And it’s not just about listening to everything that comes from the pulpit anymore. No one else will be responsible for our choices. So, we need to decide as it says in Joshua 25. Will we follow what’s popular or will we do what God has called us to do?

 Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show, Car Crazy, on Discovery Networks for 18 years. He loves cars, but he loves Jesus even more! Learn more about Barry at IgniteAmerica.com.

Learn more about:

-       What’s being preached from our church pulpits

-       Why discernment is of vital importance

-       When it’s okay to follow the “themes of the day”

-       How Jesus felt about consensus and unity

-       Where our allegiance should lie

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More about Ignite with Barry Meguiar Podcast

Most of us want to trust God with whole-hearted faith, that ends our worries and fills our lives with joy. As a businessman, Car Guy, and lifetime follower of Christ, host Barry Meguiar has discovered how to have a good day, even on your worst days. If you’re struggling in your faith, facing a difficult challenge, or just missing the joy of the Lord in your life, your life is about to be changed . . . forever!  Visit https://IgniteYourLife.com for more information and resources.