Listening for the Whispers of God's Guidance

CityLight NYC Church Podcast

Listening for the Whispers of God's Guidance


Published on Apr 30, 2024, 5:00:00 AM
Total time: 00:56:00

Episode Description

Unlock the secrets of divine navigation as we explore the intimate communication channels between us and the Almighty. Just like in any vibrant marriage, ongoing dialogue is crucial, and that's precisely what we delve into—how to engage in a living, breathing conversation with God. We don't just read His ancient letters; we listen for His voice in the here and now. In responding to a listener's question, I walk through the steps to align one's daily requests with the will of God, using scripture to bolster faith and ensure that the guidance we seek is in harmony with His eternal wisdom.

The challenge of discerning God's voice from our own mental chatter is a shared struggle among believers. But fear not, for we tackle this head-on by peering into the significance of a tripartite existence—spirit, soul, and body—and how this comprehension is fundamental to a closer kinship with the Divine. We lay out practical guidance for approaching God with a neutral heart, embracing spiritual maturity to navigate the murky waters of personal desires and cultural pressures, and how to truly listen for His whispers amidst life's noise.

Whether you feel adrift or are seeking the bearings for your next life voyage, this episode is a beacon of assurance and guidance for your spiritual journey.

More about CityLight NYC Church Podcast

Are you looking for a way to build up your faith and experience the power of the Holy Spirit in your life? Join us here for the CityLight Church podcast - coming to you - straight from the heart of New York City.

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We believe that God has real hope and a future for you. Each week, Pastor Bo Jancic and his team will challenge you to think, inspire you to grow, and remind you that God deeply loves you. 

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