Embracing the Wilderness Journey: Unveiling Truths and Overcoming Temptation through Scripture

CityLight NYC Church Podcast

Embracing the Wilderness Journey: Unveiling Truths and Overcoming Temptation through Scripture


Published on Jan 30, 2024, 5:00:00 AM
Total time: 00:44:56

Episode Description

Together with Guest Minister Nathaniel Saint-Eloi, we unwrap the profound lessons hidden within Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness, as recounted in Luke chapter four. It's a journey that promises to deepen your faith and empower you with the Holy Spirit's guidance. With prophetic insight and heartfelt messaging, we address those feeling the heavy yoke of oppression, heralding a breakthrough and deliverance. 
We dissect the devil's misuse of scripture, underscoring the imperative of arming ourselves with personal knowledge of the Word. As you listen, prepare to transition from spiritual infancy to a robust maturity, claiming your dominion over darkness through scripture and unwavering dedication. This is not just another conversation; it's a call to rise above the mundane, to seek and find the true fulfillment that can only be satiated by the Word of God.

More about CityLight NYC Church Podcast

Are you looking for a way to build up your faith and experience the power of the Holy Spirit in your life? Join us here for the CityLight Church podcast - coming to you - straight from the heart of New York City.

As you dive into God’s Word with us - expect to be encouraged!

We believe that God has real hope and a future for you. Each week, Pastor Bo Jancic and his team will challenge you to think, inspire you to grow, and remind you that God deeply loves you. 

To join us - subscribe to the CityLight Church podcast, where we’re living out God’s grace and experiencing His power.

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