BraveMen S3E83: Paul Louis Cole - Your Priorities Change Everything

Brave Men Podcast

BraveMen S3E83: Paul Louis Cole - Your Priorities Change Everything


Published on Mar 15, 2021, 8:00:00 PM
Total time: 00:38:45

Episode Description

What you value you will make a priority ... and your priorities expose what you value. With powerful stories and biblical depth Paul takes us on a journey of personal growth and heart expansion. Setting your daily ritual, holding on to your dreams and building a life that withstands the chaos is the result of setting strong priorities.

In Genesis we find the remarkable life of history maker Joseph, son of Jacob. From favored son to slave to prison to CEO of Egypt this young man held on to his dreams. Amidst the chaos of life he never wavered in his identity and purpose - because he had set rock solid priorities in his heart.

Here's a personal session with Paul Cole that will make a difference in your life.

More about Brave Men Podcast

Brave Men exists to inspire men to live a better life. Through conversations and
teachings meant to bring about wisdom and courage for the journey, Brave Men
hopes to help men build a life filled with purpose and destiny. Your host for the
podcast is Paul Louis Cole, President of Christian Men’s Network - with
representation in over 100 nations around the world - and the founder of the Global
Fatherhood Initiative. Paul Cole has a deep passion to defeat fatherlessness, end
child abuse, and raise up strong men who love God, love people, and make an
impact in their community. This is our mission. This... is Brave Men.

Visit for more information.