April 27th, 2024: Hour 1

Rosie on the House

April 27th, 2024: Hour 1


Published on Apr 27, 2024, 2:39:35 PM
Total time: 00:39:05

Episode Description

OUTDOOR LIVING HOUR! Keeping Honey Bees! - Would you 'bee-lieve' what it takes to keep honey bees comes from a cricket? Bee expert Cricket Ungvary joins Farmer Greg of the Urban Farm on the benefits of bee keeping. The functions of the hive, how to obtain and care for bees while providing honey, beeswax, essential pollination and a drink called Mead. Plus interesting facts like why do drone male bees have a grandfather...but no father!

More about Rosie on the House

Rosie began remodeling in 1972 and is founder of one of the most successful remodeling companies in the nation. Tune in to KTAR News 92.3 on Saturdays, 8-11 a.m., to hear Rosie and his son, Romey, tackle projects around the house.