The Purpose, Description and Fate of the Ark of the Covenant

Religion Today

The Purpose, Description and Fate of the Ark of the Covenant


Published on Mar 8, 2024, 4:05:33 PM
Total time: 00:20:00

Episode Description

Scholars date Moses life, his receipt of the Ten Commandments and construction of the Ark of the Covenant, to between 1,500 BCE and 750 BCE.  The Ark was about 4 feet long, 2 1/2 feet wide and 2 1/2 feet tall.  It held the 10 Commendments written by God on a stone tablet, Goliath's sword David used to cut his head off, and, according to some sources, the Urim & Thummim.  Moroni's stone box held the Golden Plates, Laban's sword Nephi used to cut his heaf off, and the Nephite Interpreters.  The Ark's main purposes were to hold the 10 Commandments, and, according to the Bible, provide a suitable place for YHWH (Jehovah) God appeared to Moses and others (immediately above the Ark).  In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner give additional details about the Ark, and different theories about what happened to it.

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