The Bible is Inconsistent With Core Protestant Tenants of Faith

Religion Today

The Bible is Inconsistent With Core Protestant Tenants of Faith


Published on Mar 22, 2024, 6:54:14 PM
Total time: 00:20:00

Episode Description

In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner explains why the core Protestant tenants of Sola Scriptura, a Closed Canon of scripture, and no Revelation after Jesus and the Apostles contracts the Bible.  First, Sola Scriptura, which means doctrine only from the scriptures is not Biblical.  The Bible does not say which writings are scripture and which are not, people, not the Bible have always made that decision.  Second, a closed canon is not Biblical.  The Bible does not say it is closed to new writings, people make that decision.  Third, the Bible does not say there will be no more revelation after Jesus and the Apostles.  On the contrary, the Book of Revelation specifically mentions two latter-day prophets, telling us there will be revelation in the future.

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