Early Christian Beliefs About Jesus

Religion Today

Early Christian Beliefs About Jesus


Published on Nov 30, 2024, 4:43:44 PM
Total time: 00:20:00

Episode Description

As a follow-up to last week's show, in which host Martin Tanner described his text debate with uninformed, evangelical, anti-Mormon critic Iain Sharp, Host, Martin Tanner suggests two books for listeners interested in more information comparing and contrasting Latter-day Saint Christian beliefs with those of Evangelical Christians:  "Are Mormons Christians?" and "How Wide the Divide."  BYU Professor Stephen Robinson authored both books.

Next, Martin gives a brief sketch of early Christian beliefs about Christmas, including, when Jesus was born, information about about Mary and Joseph, and, Jesus's vocation as a Tekton (craftsman). Martin discusses Jesus's earthly family, and then traces the belief in a Second Coming of Jesus to Acts 1:11 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.  The "Son of Man" described in Daniel chapter 7, was the annointed one, or Messiah, to early Christians.  Jesus most used phrase to describe himself was "Son of Man," 30 times in Matthew, 14 times in Mark, 25 times in Luke, and 12 times in John.  

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