Published on Dec 2, 2024, 10:05:00 AM
Total time: 00:14:45
Guest: James Seneca Aurora Police Department
Cops Fighting Cancer was started 22 years ago and part of that is a program called Long Blue Line. Long Blue Line started as an idea to take stuffed animals, crayons, and coloring books to Children’s Hospital. Since then, the program has grown and this year they will have 40 different agencies involved. The Joe Bumberger Long Blue Line event kicks off with a breakfast, they also have a donut eating contest, followed by a ceremonial roll call. The Long Blue Line leaves from 32nd and Airport and the line of law enforcement agencies heads to Children’s Hospital. Cops Fighting Cancer is always looking for donations and volunteers.
Mile High Magazine takes a look at the issues and people shaping Colorado. Presented by the public affairs department of Bonneville Denver.