Published on Jan 6, 2025, 12:02:22 PM
Total time: 00:14:27
Guest: Jennifer Orrigo Charles Executive Director
Colorado Preservation Inc.’s works to ensure historic places across Colorado are protected and will be preserved for future generations. The also provide advocacy, education and outreach to communities across Colorado. They help to write grants, help get funding, even help write tax credit applications. Coming up January 29th - February 1st is the Saving Places Conference at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort in Colorado Springs. This year the theme is Intangible Heritage. They will be exploring how customs, traditions, and knowledge passed down through generations are intertwined with the built environment. During the conference, they will be announcing the places they will be working to preserve this year.
Mile High Magazine takes a look at the issues and people shaping Colorado. Presented by the public affairs department of Bonneville Denver.