KSL at Night

KSL at Night

The latest in news and politics with a range of hosts every night. KSL at Night gives a refreshing take on the day's news with each host bringing their unique perspective and expertise to the conversation.

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KSL at Night
KSL at Night: 9-26-2024

Hosts: Greg Skordas and Adam Gardiner

Supreme Court rules on Amendment D; what’s next for Amendments A, B, and C?
Now that the Supreme Court has sided with the 3rd District Court regarding Amendment D, it will no longer be counted on the November ballot. Is that the end of the story, or is there anything else that could happen? Part of the reason Amendment D was struck down was over a deadline for publishing the amendment in newspapers around the state. That same thing would apply to Amendments A, B, and C, so are they automatically dead in the water? KSL Legal Analyst Greg Skordas explains the future of the four amendments on this election’s ballot.

NYC Mayor indicted on charges of corruption, bribery, wire fraud
Mayor Eric Adams of New York City has been indicted on several charges of corruption, bribery, and wire fraud. Just a few months earlier across the Hudson River, Senator Bob Menendez was convicted of similar corruption charges. What on earth is going on there? We catch listeners up on the latest politicians to undergo investigations over misconduct.

Is it legal for politicians to lie while campaigning?
In campaign ads and on debate stages, we often hear politicians stretching the truth. While it might not be ethical, it turns out it’s completely legal. Why is this? Why do we allow candidates and politicians to lie and get away with it? We discuss why it’s so difficult to police what politicians say, and the negative effects that occur when we try to police them.

A discussion on privacy vs. transparency for public officials
Once again, a public records panel has sided with KSL, as the KSL Investigators continue working to get access to Attorney General Sean Reyes’ official calendar. While we wait for appeals to work through the process, we take a moment to have a discussion on privacy versus transparency for our elected officials. Adam Gardiner is a lobbyist on the hill, and shares some interesting insights into this discussion.

KSL Investigates: cell phone companies failing victims of domestic violence
Victims of domestic violence are supposed to have the ability to separate their phone service from those of their abusers, even allowing them to transfer to another provider at no cost. It’s part of the federal Safe Connections Act. A KSL Investigates analysis finds that among the six largest cell phone providers in the country, the process is slow and cumbersome, making it a burden instead of a protection. Courtney Johns, KSL Investigative Reporter joins us to break down her latest findings.

Violent conflict growing around the world
A new report says nearly half of all the countries in the world are involved in some kind of a violent conflict. No single area of the country seems to be immune from this; why is it so widespread? We share thoughts and theories on how the United States’ changing role in the world has contributed to this growing violence.

News Roundup: Support waning for the First Amendment, developments with Martha Hughes Cannon
We finish the show discussing some interesting stories that caught our eye recently. First up, new polling shows support waning for the First Amendment. Wait, what? Then we get some updates on Martha Hughes Cannon as she gets closer to being installed in the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.

Sep 26, 2024 9:5 PM

More Episodes

KSL at Night
News Roundup: Support waning for the First Amendment, developments with Martha Hughes Cannon

Hosts: Greg Skordas & Adam Gardiner

We finish the show discussing some interesting stories that caught our eye recently. First up, new polling shows support waning for the First Amendment. Wait, what? Then we get some updates on Martha Hughes Cannon as she gets closer to being installed in the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.

Sep 26, 2024 9:0 PM
KSL at Night
Violent conflict growing around the world

Hosts: Greg Skordas & Adam Gardiner

A new report says nearly half of all the countries in the world are involved in some kind of a violent conflict. No single area of the country seems to be immune from this; why is it so widespread? We share thoughts and theories on how the United States’ changing role in the world has contributed to this growing violence.

Sep 26, 2024 8:45 PM
KSL at Night
KSL Investigates: cell phone companies failing victims of domestic violence

Hosts: Greg Skordas & Adam Gardiner

Victims of domestic violence are supposed to have the ability to separate their phone service from those of their abusers, even allowing them to transfer to another provider at no cost. It’s part of the federal Safe Connections Act. A KSL Investigates analysis finds that among the six largest cell phone providers in the country, the process is slow and cumbersome, making it a burden instead of a protection. Courtney Johns, KSL Investigative Reporter joins us to break down her latest findings.

Sep 26, 2024 8:30 PM
KSL at Night
A discussion on privacy vs. transparency for public officials

Hosts: Greg Skordas & Adam Gardiner

Once again, a public records panel has sided with KSL, as the KSL Investigators continue working to get access to Attorney General Sean Reyes’ official calendar. While we wait for appeals to work through the process, we take a moment to have a discussion on privacy versus transparency for our elected officials. Adam Gardiner is a lobbyist on the hill, and shares some interesting insights into this discussion.

Sep 26, 2024 8:15 PM
KSL at Night
Is it legal for politicians to lie while campaigning?

Hosts: Greg Skordas & Adam Gardiner

In campaign ads and on debate stages, we often hear politicians stretching the truth. While it might not be ethical, it turns out it’s completely legal. Why is this? Why do we allow candidates and politicians to lie and get away with it? We discuss why it’s so difficult to police what politicians say, and the negative effects that occur when we try to police them.

Sep 26, 2024 8:0 PM
KSL at Night
NYC Mayor indicted on charges of corruption, bribery, wire fraud

Hosts: Greg Skordas & Adam Gardiner

Mayor Eric Adams of New York City has been indicted on several charges of corruption, bribery, and wire fraud. Just a few months earlier across the Hudson River, Senator Bob Menendez was convicted of similar corruption charges. What on earth is going on there? We catch listeners up on the latest politicians to undergo investigations over misconduct.

Sep 26, 2024 7:45 PM
KSL at Night
Supreme Court rules on Amendment D; what’s next for Amendments A, B, and C?

Hosts: Greg Skordas & Adam Gardiner

Now that the Supreme Court has sided with the 3rd District Court regarding Amendment D, it will no longer be counted on the November ballot. Is that the end of the story, or is there anything else that could happen? Part of the reason Amendment D was struck down was over a deadline for publishing the amendment in newspapers around the state. That same thing would apply to Amendments A, B, and C, so are they automatically dead in the water? KSL Legal Analyst Greg Skordas explains the future of the four amendments on this election’s ballot.

Sep 26, 2024 7:30 PM
KSL at Night
KSL at Night: 9-25-2024

Hosts: Taylor Morgan and Adam Gardiner

Updates on Amendments A, D lawsuits

Earlier today, attorneys for the Legislature argued before the Utah Supreme Court to overturn a lower court ruling on Amendment D. That ballot measure would ensure the Legislature’s power to repeal, amend or ignore voter-approved ballot initiatives. In a lower district court today, another hearing was held regarding the lawsuit over Amendment A, which would change the way income taxes are used. KSL Legal Analyst Greg Skordas joins the show to explain the arguments for each.

The biggest threat to Utah’s cannabis industry is the black market

Utah’s medical Cannabis program has been around for almost five years. Some companies say that almost 80,000 people are considered medical cannabis patients in Utah. The biggest problem is still the black market. Why should the state care where people are getting their Cannabis from? Taylor and Adam discuss

Do we need another presidential debate?

A new poll from Quinnipiac University found that 64% of people want to see another debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump. If the two sides were to agree on another debate, how much would be different? Is either candidate capable of showing us anything new? This raises the question… do we really need another debate? The hosts explore both sides of the argument.

China launches an ICBM into the Pacific Ocean

Earlier this morning the Chinese military launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with a “dummy” warhead into the Pacific Ocean. This is the first launch since 1980. This comes while the UN General Assembly is meeting in New York. Adam Kozloski, Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Indo-Pacific Security Initiative, joins the conversation about how dangerous this is for countries in the region, and what it means for the US.

Senate stays open

Senate republicans are choosing to avoid a spending shutdown a few weeks before the election. Even with former president Donald Trump calling to use government funding to push for voter registration reform, GOP lawmakers are moving ahead with caution, prioritizing the campaign trail, rather than focussing on a budget battle. The hosts discuss.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ plans for the housing shortage

One of the big points in VP Kamala Harris’ plan to fix the housing shortage is a $25,000 down-payment support to first-time home owners. The budget for this plan is 100 Billion dollars over four years. Do we have enough money to put that in place? What potential problems come with this plan? What are some of the other options?

News roundup: Swearing politicians, Utah Lake, Japanese robots with skin

A British news source called VP Harris the “sweariest” president. Experts say that Utah Lake isn’t as dirty as it used to be, and Japanese scientists are developing robots with regenerative skin tissue, and they can smile. Taylor and Adam hit all these topics in the last segment of the night.

Sep 25, 2024 9:5 PM
KSL at Night
News roundup: Swearing politicians, Utah Lake, Japanese robots with skin

Hosts: Taylor Morgan and Adam Gardiner

A British news source called VP Harris the “sweariest” president. Experts say that Utah Lake isn’t as dirty as it used to be, and Japanese scientists are developing robots with regenerative skin tissue, and they can smile. Taylor and Adam hit all these topics in the last segment of the night.

Sep 25, 2024 9:0 PM
KSL at Night
Vice President Kamala Harris’ “plans” for the housing shortage

Hosts: Taylor Morgan and Adam Gardiner

One of the big points in VP Kamala Harris’ plan to fix the housing shortage is a $25,000 down-payment support to first-time home owners. The budget for this plan is 100 Billion dollars over four years. Do we have enough money to put that in place? What potential problems come with this plan? What are some of the other options?

Sep 25, 2024 8:45 PM
KSL at Night
Senate stays open

Hosts: Taylor Morgan and Adam Gardiner

Senate republicans are choosing to avoid a spending shutdown a few weeks before the election. Even with former president Donald Trump calling to use government funding to push for voter registration reform, GOP lawmakers are moving ahead with caution, prioritizing the campaign trail, rather than focussing on a budget battle. The hosts discuss.

Sep 25, 2024 8:35 PM
KSL at Night
China launches an ICBM into the Pacific Ocean

Hosts: Taylor Morgan and Adam Gardiner

Earlier this morning the Chinese military launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with a “dummy” warhead into the Pacific Ocean. This is the first launch since 1980. This comes while the UN General Assembly is meeting in New York. Adam Kozloski, Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Indo-Pacific Security Initiative, joins the conversation about how dangerous this is for countries in the region, and what it means for the US.

Sep 25, 2024 8:15 PM
KSL at Night
Do we need another presidential debate?

Hosts: Taylor Morgan and Adam Gardiner

A new poll from Quinnipiac University found that 64% of people want to see another debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump. If the two sides were to agree on another debate, how much would be different? Is either candidate capable of showing us anything new? This raises the question… do we really need another debate? The hosts explore both sides of the argument.

Sep 25, 2024 8:0 PM
KSL at Night
The biggest threat to Utah’s cannabis industry is the black market

Hosts: Taylor Morgan and Adam Gardiner

Utah’s medical Cannabis program has been around for almost five years. Some companies say that almost 80,000 people are considered medical cannabis patients in Utah. The biggest problem is still the black market. Why should the state care where people are getting their Cannabis from? Taylor and Adam discuss

Sep 25, 2024 7:45 PM
KSL at Night
Updates on Amendments A, D lawsuits

Hosts: Taylor Morgan and Adam Gardiner

Earlier today, attorneys for the Legislature argued before the Utah Supreme Court to overturn a lower court ruling on Amendment D. That ballot measure would ensure the Legislature’s power to repeal, amend or ignore voter-approved ballot initiatives. In a lower district court today, another hearing was held regarding the lawsuit over Amendment A, which would change the way income taxes are used. KSL Legal Analyst Greg Skordas joins the show to explain the arguments for each.

Sep 25, 2024 7:15 PM
KSL at Night
KSL at Night: 9-24-2024

Hosts: Leah Murray and Rusty Cannon

Democrats outspending Republicans in political advertising in Salt Lake City
New political advertising data shows that in Salt Lake City, the Democratic Party has outspent the Republican Party by roughly $130,000. Salt Lake City is generally seen as a Democratic stronghold in Utah, so why spend more money advertising to people who will probably already vote for your candidate? We discuss this question and compare political advertising here to spending in a swing state like Arizona.

Senators Lee, Romney share their thoughts on the presidential candidates
Utah’s Senators are sharing their opinions and concerns about each of the presidential candidates. Senator Lee says he’s worried about Kamala Harris’ positions on religious freedom. Senator Romney says he’s worried about Donald Trump’s potential vendetta against people who supported the investigations into January 6th. KSL at Night hosts Rusty Cannon and Leah Murry go in-depth with their thoughts.

Should former President Trump agree to another presidential debate?
Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has accepted an invitation from CNN to do another presidential debate on October 23rd. Republican nominee Donald Trump previously said he wouldn’t participate in another debate against Harris, but should he reconsider? A growing number of Republicans believe he should debate again. We talk about the whys behind this growing pressure.

President Biden holds first cabinet meeting in nearly a year
After nearly a year of not holding a cabinet meeting, President Joe Biden finally held one last week. And shortly after beginning the meeting, he turned a majority of the time over to First Lady Jill Biden. This whole thing got our team wondering, “what happened that resulted in a regular meeting not happening for almost a year?” The KSL at Night hosts share some history on the cabinet and share their thoughts on the earlier question.

The latest developments in the fight over access to AG Sean Reyes’ calendar
As the end of his term approaches and Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes wraps up his time as the state’s top law enforcer, his office is pushing ahead with legal battles to keep the press and public from seeing his work schedule. Annie Knox and Daniella Rivera, members of the KSL Investigators have been involved in this fight for quite some time, and join us to share updates on a recent public records panel hearing.

UTA working on long-term plans in preparation for the Olympics
We’re 10 years out from the 2034 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, and there are several projects in the works between now and then. One of the projects – which is unrelated to the Olympics but will directly support it – is the double-tracking of FrontRunner. Jay Fox, Executive Director of UTA joins the program to share some updates on that project as well as several other long-range projects in the works.

Examining the growth and effect of the Hispanic/Latino community in Utah
In Utah, Hispanics – which obviously is a very broad term – make up more than 15% of the state’s population; that makes it the second largest racial or ethnic group in the state. We’re in the middle of Hispanic Heritage Month, so we take some time to discuss the growth of this community in Utah. We also share thoughts on how this group contains many diverse political views too.

Supporting parents and children through tax policy
The Trump administration’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is set to expire in 2025 and with it, major changes will come to the child tax credit. That got us thinking about different ways the government supports parents and families. Obviously it’s not all about the government doing it, so what other kinds of resources are available? KSL at Night hosts Rusty Cannon and Leah Murray discuss.

Sep 24, 2024 9:5 PM
KSL at Night
Supporting parents and children through tax policy, 'baby bonuses'

Hosts: Leah Murray and Rusty Cannon

The Trump administration’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is set to expire in 2025 and with it, major changes will come to the child tax credit. That got us thinking about different ways the government supports parents and families. Obviously it’s not all about the government doing it, so what other kinds of resources are available? KSL at Night hosts Rusty Cannon and Leah Murray discuss.

Sep 24, 2024 9:0 PM
KSL at Night
Examining the growth and effect of the Hispanic/Latino community in Utah

Hosts: Leah Murray and Rusty Cannon

In Utah, Hispanics – which obviously is a very broad term – make up more than 15% of the state’s population; that makes it the second largest racial or ethnic group in the state. We’re in the middle of Hispanic Heritage Month, so we take some time to discuss the growth of this community in Utah. We also share thoughts on how this group contains many diverse political views too.

Sep 24, 2024 8:45 PM
KSL at Night
UTA working on long-term plans in preparation for the Olympics

Hosts: Leah Murray and Rusty Cannon

We’re 10 years out from the 2034 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, and there are several projects in the works between now and then. One of the projects – which is unrelated to the Olympics but will directly support it – is the double-tracking of FrontRunner. Jay Fox, Executive Director of UTA, joins the program to share some updates on that project as well as several other long-range projects in the works.

Sep 24, 2024 8:30 PM
KSL at Night
The latest developments in the fight over access to AG Sean Reyes’ calendar

Hosts: Leah Murray and Rusty Cannon

As the end of his term approaches and Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes wraps up his time as the state’s top law enforcer, his office is pushing ahead with legal battles to keep the press and public from seeing his work schedule. Annie Knox and Daniella Rivera, members of the KSL Investigators have been involved in this fight for quite some time, and join us to share updates on a recent public records panel hearing.

Sep 24, 2024 8:15 PM
KSL at Night
President Biden holds first cabinet meeting in nearly a year

Hosts: Leah Murray and Rusty Cannon

After nearly a year of not holding a cabinet meeting, President Joe Biden finally held one last week. And shortly after beginning the meeting, he turned a majority of the time over to First Lady Jill Biden. This whole thing got our team wondering, “what happened that resulted in a regular meeting not happening for almost a year?” The KSL at Night hosts share some history on the cabinet and share their thoughts on the earlier question.

Sep 24, 2024 8:0 PM
KSL at Night
Should former President Trump agree to another presidential debate?

Hosts: Leah Murray and Rusty Cannon

Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has accepted an invitation from CNN to do another presidential debate on October 23rd. Republican nominee Donald Trump previously said he wouldn’t participate in another debate against Harris, but should he reconsider? A growing number of Republicans believe he should debate again. We talk about the whys behind this growing pressure.

Sep 24, 2024 7:45 PM
KSL at Night
Senators Lee, Romney share their thoughts on the presidential candidates

Hosts: Leah Murray and Rusty Cannon

Utah’s Senators are sharing their opinions and concerns about each of the presidential candidates. Senator Lee says he’s worried about Kamala Harris’ positions on religious freedom. Senator Romney says he’s worried about Donald Trump’s potential vendetta against people who supported the investigations into January 6th. KSL at Night hosts Rusty Cannon and Leah Murry go in-depth with their thoughts.

Sep 24, 2024 7:30 PM
KSL at Night
Democrats outspending Republicans in political advertising in Salt Lake City

Hosts: Leah Murray and Rusty Cannon

New political advertising data shows that in Salt Lake City, the Democratic Party has outspent the Republican Party by roughly $130,000. Salt Lake City is generally seen as a Democratic stronghold in Utah, so why spend more money advertising to people who will probably already vote for your candidate? We discuss this question and compare political advertising here to spending in a swing state like Arizona.

Sep 24, 2024 7:15 PM