KIRO Newsradio Commentaries

KIRO Newsradio Commentaries

Your favorite KIRO Newsradio hosts deliver bite-sized commentary on the people and events making news in your world.

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KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Travis Mayfield: Set Aside Today’s Trifles and Join Me at the Beach?!

Sometimes you just need to look outside, take a deep breathe and head to the beach

Sep 6, 2024 9:40 AM

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KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Patti Payne: The 17 lessons leaders have taught me, regardless of industry

I’ve been thinking a lot about leadership lately.

I know leadership is not just spewing empty political talk and platitudes on both sides of the aisle. I wish for people in positions of power to stop rattling on in jibber-jabber and put some integrity — oh my gosh — even honesty in their words.

And that takes listening to the people who voted for them, and listening to those who didn’t. What? I can wish, can’t I?

Sep 5, 2024 7:50 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: Solving the homeless crisis will make us all a little uncomfortable

Before the Supreme Court ruling in June, many West Coast cities faced legal landmines if they forced homeless people off the streets without offering an alternative.

But with the nation’s highest court weighing in, cities have options again.

Sep 4, 2024 6:24 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Charlie Harger: It's Time We All Do The Puyallup

The annual Harger family trip to the Washington State Fair has Charlie Harger feeling reflective 

Sep 3, 2024 7:35 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Patti Payne: An Ode to the Weather

A poetic salute to the forecasters from Patti Payne 

Aug 29, 2024 9:46 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: Will the real J.D. Vance please stand up

There are times when J.D. Vance says one thing, then does another.

Aug 28, 2024 9:3 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Charlie Harger: Social media is about to become a political battlefield with looming election

This is it. The last week before things start to ramp up and get even more uncomfortable.

Aug 27, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Dave Ross: Censorship

Dave Ross discusses censorship of RFK, Jr.'s views on vaccines.

Aug 26, 2024 8:1 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Patti Payne: Word Salad

Are there some words that just drive you nuts? 

Aug 22, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: The industry that's losing jobs we all should be fighting to keep

With all the excitement and attention surrounding the Democratic National convention, one very important story seemed to fly under the radarIn today’s commentary brought to you by wa- fed bank - Angela Poe Russell highlights the issue and a larger one that could impact all of us.  

Aug 21, 2024 7:35 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Charlie Harger: I'm not a quitter, but it's time to quit on the Southlake Union Street Car

KIRO News Radio's Charlie Harger reacts to the damaged street car and the shockingly low ridership of it. He doesn't like to give up, but it might be time to for the Southlake Union Street Car

Aug 20, 2024 7:35 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Dave Ross: Controlling the message

With the Democratic National Convention starting this week, it will be inportant for democrats to get their message out, but with protests planned and fierce campagin rhetoric, will it be heard? 

Aug 19, 2024 7:35 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Nicole Brodeur: The Swift Lift for Harris

In today's guest commentary, Nicole Brodeur explores the phenomenom that is known as "The Swift Lift" and how it may help the Harris campagin 

Aug 16, 2024 7:53 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Patti Payne: A night of generosity

PAtti Payne recently went to an event that reminded her just how giving folks can be

Aug 15, 2024 8:21 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: The Olympic moment that spoke volumes about America

The Olympics may have ended, but there was one moment that really stuck with Angela Poe Russell. She tells us about that in today's commentary

Aug 14, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Jim Walsh: The importance of transparency

Jim Walsh, chairman of the Washington State Republican Party, discusses the importance of transparency in the political process. 

Aug 13, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Dave Ross: Political rallies’ crowd size, who’s faking it and who’s complaining about it

We are back to talking about crowd sizes and Dave Ross asks... why? 

Aug 12, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: The transportation problem impacting half our state

It’s so often in life that we don’t always think about an issue until it impacts us. And that’s the
case for the topic in today’s commentary

Aug 9, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Patti Payne: Pinky's out for those that flaunt traffic laws

This morning's traffic problem in Everett is a reminder that driving can be dangerous even when everyone is following the rules.  All the more reason crack down on the people who make a habit out of FLOUTING the rules.

Here's Patti Payne with today's guest commentary

Aug 8, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Dave Ross: The turnout race
It's the day after election day -- and all the focus is on which candidates won and which candidates lost.
But Dave Ross would like to gin up a little excitement for a different race.
Aug 7, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Charlie Harger: Kamala Harris needs to start answering some press questions

KIRO News Radio's Charlie Harger admits Kamala Harris was put into a unique situation, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be prepared to face the press 

Aug 6, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Dave Ross: Blue Angels, and their noise, a good reminder of America’s war machine

Can anyone hear this morning? 

Aug 5, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Travis Mayfield: Get Out Of Your Bubble, You Might Be Surprised at Who You Meet

Sometimes you gotta get out there and do something new, you never know where life might take you. Travis Mayfield discusses that and more in today's commentary 

Aug 2, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Patti Payne: What politicians can learn from Olympic athletes

Patti Payne has been following the Olympics and has some takeaways for our politicians

Aug 1, 2024 9:5 AM