KIRO Newsradio Commentaries

KIRO Newsradio Commentaries

Your favorite KIRO Newsradio hosts deliver bite-sized commentary on the people and events making news in your world.

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KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Ted Buehner: Curious about the voting process? See it in action for yourself!

Ted Buehner recently visited the Snohomish Co Elections office in their new facility where they encourage people to visit and learn more about the elections process as the primary gets underway

Jul 26, 2024 9:5 AM

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KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Spike O'Neil: When did DEI become an implied synonym for unqualified?

Spike O'Neil feels like he need to say something about the growing vilification of D. E. I. or Diversity, equity and inclusion. 

Jul 25, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: The problem plaguing American culture — “it’s all about me” disease

In today’s commentary brought to you by Wa-Fed Bank - It’s the #1 problem plaguing American culture right now - at least according to Angela Poe Russell who pinpointed the issue in an unexpected place.  

Jul 24, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Charlie Harger: Keep the spotlight on Aurora Ave

Charlie Harger explains the importance of covering the stories of Aurora Ave in Seattle 

Jul 23, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Dave Ross: Biden is out of the presidential race, just as Farenthold predicted. What can he predict next?

Dave thought weekends were supposed to be for relaxing, then he got the news about Biden dropping out of the race 

Jul 22, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Travis Mayfield: One Simple Trick To Ensure Your Vote Actually Counts

Travis Mayfield has a helpful reminder ahead of election season in today's commentary. 

Jul 19, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: The unlikely scapegoat in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump

After the shooting of Former President Trump and attendees at his rally, there was one
discussion, Angela Poe Russell just didn’t see coming. Here she is with today’s commentary
brought to you by WaFed Bank. 

Jul 17, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Charlie Harger: A call for bipartisanship

Even in the buisness of news, sometimes you disagree with people in your circles. Charlie Harger explores this in today's commentary. 



Jul 16, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Dave Ross: Motive of Trump shooter not important, how he got an AR-15 is

Will learning the motive of the man who opened fire on former President Donald Trump lead to any change? 

Jul 15, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Travis Mayfield: Devin, Tom, Karen and Jessica…I Will Never Forget You

This week marks 23 years since a massive wildfire burning north of Winthrop Washington killed four firefighters.

Jul 12, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Charlie Harger: Slow down!

KIRO News Radio's Charlie Harger has had enough with some of the drivers he sees on the road. 

Jul 11, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: The lesson we all can learn from President Biden

Many psychologists argue there are 5 great fears we all share. 

In today’s commentary brought to you by WaFed Bank,  why one in particular might be what’s plaguing President Biden and Angela Poe Russell is learning from it.  

Jul 10, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Scott Scowcroft: A bold move for Biden

Another KIRO News Radio Listener reached out and wanted to share his bold move for President Biden 

Jul 9, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Michael Goldenkranz: To everything there is a season

A long time listener sent Dave Ross an email about the state of the democratic party, so Dave said, turn it into the commentary. 

Jul 8, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Dave Ross song: She looks like a woman to me

It happened again last month – a commuter was caught in the carpool lane with a very lifelike dummy – although not quite lifelike enough to fool the police. 

And so, as a tribute, I dedicate one of my biggest hits to you, sir:

Jul 5, 2024 6:30 PM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Travis Mayfield: Public library bans kids from entering

"It breaks my heart to read that this week about a public library in Idaho officially banning kids from entering," Travis Mayfield said. The library said it's being forced to make the change due to a new state law.

Jul 5, 2024 5:3 PM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: Feeling sorry for giant grocery chains

As many Americans get ready to celebrate the fourth of July - it usually means a trip to the grocery store. And right now, many of the large chains could use our support. (Warning: Satire ahead ...) 

Jul 3, 2024 11:43 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Dave Ross: My say on the debate

As President Biden and former President Trump continue campaigning following the debate, Dave Ross is ready to give his thoughts on last week's war of words. 

Jul 1, 2024 9:5 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Travis Mayfield: Get out of the way and let Seattle's CARE team work

Travis Mayfield: Get out of the way and let Seattle's CARE team work

Jun 27, 2024 3:4 PM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: More evidence schools would be wise to lock up cell phones

As more schools grapple with how to regulate students and their cell phones, a Seattle summer program officially took the leap this week. Already, they’re noticing a difference.

Jun 27, 2024 4:12 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Charlie Harger: Is Thursday's Presidential Debate actually going to change anyone's mind?

KIRO Newsradio's Charlie Harger ponders the importance of Thursday's upcoming debate. Are there really any undecided voters?

Jun 25, 2024 8:19 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Dave Ross: Louisiana looks to bridge church and state in schools

The State of Louisiana has passed a law requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in every school in the state.  The idea is to lob a softball to the Supreme Court which seems to be looking for a way to get church and state to embrace each other. Dave Ross looks at what the precedent could mean for religious beliefs in government.

Jun 25, 2024 5:17 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Mayfield: Democracy needs your help

Mayfield: Democracy needs your help

Jun 21, 2024 7:51 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: Enough with the debate over Pride Flags

With June being Pride month, there’s been a lot of discourse and debate over flags and proclamations and what should the government's role be in all this. 

KIRO Newsradio's Angela Poe Russell says Juneteenth is the perfect time to talk about it.  

Jun 19, 2024 9:39 AM
KIRO Newsradio Commentaries
Angela Poe Russell: Should our government be in the flag business?

With June being Pride month, there’s been a lot of discourse and debate over flags and proclamations and what should the government's role be in all this.

KIRO Radio’s Angela Poe Russell says Juneteenth is the perfect time to talk about it. Here she is with today’s commentary.

Jun 19, 2024 8:59 AM