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Inside Sources Full Show September 18, 2024: Lindsay Chervinsky, Scott Winship, Michael Kofoed, & More!

Join Inside Sources today as Boyd gives his singular perspective on the latest news that matters. Learn more about the life and legacy of President John Adams and how he helped shape the American presidency. Boyd talks about the rise in political violence we’ve seen, and how we need to self-reflect and recommit ourselves to the cause of freedom. Find the news you need in your day on Inside Sources.

Sep 18, 2024 3:17 PM

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Inside Sources
A Roadmap to Move Past Contempt in our Politics

Boyd emphasizes the principles we need to adopt and live in order to move beyond the contempt and anger that has set into our political discourse. It will take each of us engaging and lifting each other up to set this country on a better course, and it will begin with a commitment to the principles that built America.

Sep 18, 2024 3:10 PM
Inside Sources
Michael Kofoed: Is Online School Models Stunting Learning?

A groundbreaking study conducted at the United States Military Academy West Point offers unique insights into the impact of online instruction on student performance and engagement. The findings present a cautionary tale for the future of education. Michael Kofoed, assistant professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, joins the discussion to explain that as institutions continue to embrace digital platforms, we all need to critically examine the true costs and benefits of online learning in shaping the next generation of leaders and thinkers.

Sep 18, 2024 3:5 PM
Inside Sources
What Political Violence Reveals About Us

Boyd reflects on disturbing new data about American's reactions to recent assassination attempts. The trend of both physical and verbal political violence is on the rise in our country, and the views of the American people matter if we ant to prevent a further escalation. If we allow contempt to set into our minds, the chances of ending the cycle of violence will diminish. Today we need to reflect on ourselves and our own views, and challenge enmity and resentment in ourselves and others and look to the principled lessons of history for solutions. 

Sep 18, 2024 3:5 PM
Inside Sources
Derek Miller: Advocating for Utah in Washington DC

A delegation of Utah leaders is headed to our nation's capital to advocate for Utahns and discuss solutions to the most pressing issues facing our state today. Derek Miller, President and CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber and Downtown Alliance, joins the show to discuss the goal of the delegation and what they hope to accomplish.

Sep 18, 2024 3:4 PM
Inside Sources
Scott Winship: Improving Upper Mobility for Children

The war on poverty is a never-ending one. Even with poverty among American children at a near all-time low, children who are born into poverty still have a high chance of ending up in poverty. In his new book Doing Right by Kids: Leveraging Social Capital and Innovation to Increase Opportunity Scott Winship, director of the Center on opportunity and Social Mobility at the American Enterprise Institute, lays out a road map to make sure our children's future is brighter tomorrow.

Sep 18, 2024 3:4 PM
Inside Sources
Cary Wadsen: How Will Our Economy Be Affected By Cutting Interest Rates?

With interest rates getting cut and housing availability at the forefront of the campaign trail for each candidate. What does this actually mean for the economy? What else are these rate cuts going to affect? And most importantly, what does it mean for the average American citizen who's trying to make ends meet? Cary Wasden, Professor of Finance at Utah Valley University, joins the discussion to look at potential consequences in the short term, and the long term.

Sep 18, 2024 3:4 PM
Inside Sources
Lindsay Chervinsky: John Adams & the American Presidency

What were the crossroads and decisions that were made early in our nation's history to determine the future? What pressures did our founding fathers face in steering the course of our new nation? And what can we learn from it today? Lindsay Chervinsky, Executive Director of the George Washington Presidential Library, joins the show to discuss her latest book: Making the Presidency: John Adams and the Precedents That Forged the Republic and help answer some of those questions.

Sep 18, 2024 3:2 PM
Inside Sources
Inside Sources Full Show September 17th, 2024: Fmr Ambassador Jeff Flake, James Capretta, Kevin Kosar, Sarah Jane Weaver, and More!

Join Boyd Matheson in digging into Tuesday’s headlines! Former Ambassador Jeff Flake shares what is next in his career path. James Capretta delves into how different candidates’ budgets will affect America’s fiscality. Learn about the value of the Congressional Research Service and their new director with Kevin Kosar. Sarah Jane Weaver provides input on Hulu’s new show and misrepresentation in the media and More!

Sep 17, 2024 6:40 PM
Inside Sources
Our Founding Principles Can Still be our Guide

Boyd reflects on the principles that brought about the creation of America's Constitution. He discusses the lessons that apply for us today if we're willing to listen, and learn from the examples of the great men and women who came before us and built this great nation.

Sep 17, 2024 3:10 PM
Inside Sources
Thomas Lerhman: Upcoming Documentary Explores Religious Liberty
In a nation founded on the principles of religious freedom, the story of America's journey towards religious liberty is as complex as it is inspiring. The upcoming documentary "Free Exercise: America's Story of Religious Liberty" offers a comprehensive exploration of this fundamental right, tracing its evolution through the experiences of diverse faith communities. As we approach the 250th anniversary of the United States, Thomas Lerhman, the documentary’s producer, invites viewers to reflect on the profound impact, and continued relevance, of religious freedom on our society.
Sep 17, 2024 3:1 PM
Inside Sources
Imagination & Depolarization in America
Imagination plays a crucial role in our ability to find common ground and depolarize society. Storytelling and imagination has the power to help us see ourselves from new perspectives, create innovative solutions, and recognize the humanity in others. By engaging our imaginative faculties, we open doors to self-awareness, hope, and empathy – all essential ingredients for bridging divides and fostering understanding.
Sep 17, 2024 3:1 PM
Inside Sources
Jeff Flake: Coming Back Home After Service in Turkiye
Former Ambassador Jeff Flake's appointment as the new board chairman for World Trade Center Utah marks a significant milestone in Utah's global business landscape and in Flake's life. With his extensive experience in politics, diplomacy, and international relations, Flake brings a wealth of knowledge back to the Beehive State. Flake's new leadership role promises to foster new opportunities and strengthen existing partnerships.
Sep 17, 2024 2:51 PM
Inside Sources
Sarah Jane Weaver: "The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives" Fails to Depict Reality
In an era of rapid digital communication and sensationalized media, the portrayal of religious communities often falls short of capturing their true essence and diversity. Sarah Jane Weaver from Desert News shares how the recent depiction of women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in popular media has sparked a crucial conversation about representation, faith, and the power of individual voices. With the unfair and oversimplified portrayals, it becomes imperative to seek out authentic narratives and explore the multifaceted experiences of women in the Church of Jesus Christ while encouraging a more nuanced understanding of faith, empowerment, and community in the modern world.
Sep 17, 2024 2:50 PM
Inside Sources
Kevin Kosar: Karen Donfried is the New Director of the Congressional Research Service
Karen Donfried will begin her new role as the director of the Congressional Research Service this month. She will inherit an agency that serves as a vital intellectual resource for lawmakers navigating complex policy landscapes. With a rich history of providing nonpartisan expertise, CRS stands at a crossroads, facing both technological challenges and increased competition in the information age. Kevin Kosar from American Enterprise Institute sheds light on how Donfried's leadership will be crucial in shaping the future of this indispensable institution, ensuring it remains a source of objective analysis in an era of polarized politics and information overload.
Sep 17, 2024 2:50 PM
Inside Sources
James Capretta: Analyzing How Presidential Budget Proposals Could Affect America’s Rising Deficits
Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump present starkly different visions for the nation's budget, each with its own set of challenges and potential consequences. While Harris aligns closely with the Biden administration's tax and spending policies, Trump advocates for substantial tax cuts and increased tariffs. James Capretta from American Enterprise Institute emphasizes how these contrasting approaches not only reflect divergent political philosophies but also raise critical questions about the sustainability of America's fiscal path in an era of mounting national debt and economic uncertainty.
Sep 17, 2024 2:50 PM
Inside Sources
Inside Sources Full Show September 16, 2024: Lisa Kashinsky, Peter Pomerantsev, Gary Schmitt, and More!

Start off your week in diving into today’s news with Boyd Matheson! Boyd and Lisa Kashinsky unpack the attempted assassination on former President Trump this weekend. Peter Pomeratsev shares his new podcast, “Autocracy in America”, and its relevance in today’s democracy. Reignite your connection to the Constitution with Gary Schmitt and More!

Sep 16, 2024 3:12 PM
Inside Sources
“Pause and a Prayer”

In the face of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump this weekend, our nation stands at a crossroads where meaningful dialogue is more crucial than ever. The recent discourse surrounding political violence has been alarmingly brief, creating a pause and a prayer situation, with both sides retreating to familiar patterns of blame and defensiveness. This moment calls for a deeper reflection on our shared responsibility to foster a more constructive political environment. As we navigate these turbulent times, the question remains: Are we ready to move beyond surface-level reactions and engage in the challenging conversations necessary to address the root causes of our divisions?

Sep 16, 2024 3:5 PM
Inside Sources
Gary Schmitt: Constitutional Interpretation's Relevance to Modern America

The U.S. Constitution, a living document that has guided American democracy for over two centuries, continues to be a subject of intense debate and interpretation. As society evolves and faces new challenges, the role of the Constitution in shaping policy and protecting rights becomes increasingly complex. While legal experts play a crucial role in constitutional interpretation, there is a growing concern that ordinary citizens are becoming disconnected from the fundamental principles that underpin their government. Gary Schmitt from American Enterprise Institute helps answer how this disconnect raises important questions about the nature of constitutional democracy and the responsibilities of an informed citizen.

Sep 16, 2024 2:58 PM
Inside Sources
KSL Sunday Edition with Brad Wilcox

In an era of evolving societal norms, finding joy remains a central concern for many Americans. While conventional wisdom often points to financial success and personal autonomy as the cornerstones of a fulfilling life, emerging research suggests a different path. Brad Wilcox, the director of the National Marriage Project, delves into the surprising connection between marriage and happiness, challenging popular misconceptions and exploring the profound impact of strong family bonds on individual well-being and societal stability.

Sep 16, 2024 2:24 PM
Inside Sources
Peter Pomerantsev: A New Podcast, “Autocracy in America”

In an era of political polarization and rampant misinformation, the foundations of American democracy face unprecedented challenges. Peter Pomerantsev dives into his new podcast with Anne Applebaum into the subtle yet pervasive ways autocratic tendencies are taking root in the United States, drawing parallels with historical and international examples. As we navigate these turbulent times, this analysis of America’s democratic health offers crucial insights into the fragility of democratic institutions and the importance of vigilance in preserving the values that have long defined America.

Sep 16, 2024 2:23 PM
Inside Sources
Lisa Kashinsky Politico: Condemnation After Attempted Assassination

The reported incident near former President Donald Trump's Florida golf course has ignited passionate responses across the political spectrum, highlighting the delicate balance between security concerns and democratic discourse. As details continue to emerge, this development underscores the complex challenges facing American democracy in an era of heightened tensions. The varied reactions from politicians and pundits alike offer a window into the current state of political rhetoric and its potential consequences for the nation's social fabric. Lisa Kashinsky shares the latest.

Sep 16, 2024 2:23 PM
Inside Sources
Inside Sources Full Show September 13, 2024: H.W. Brands, Ishaan Tharoor, Boaz Atzili, and More!

Round out your week of news with Boyd Matheson! Boyd provides insight into the upcoming presidential election and what to look out for. H.W. Brands shares how the 1940 election is impacting the foreign policy debate today. Learn more about how Afghan women are being treated under Taliban rule with Ishaan Tharoor. Boaz Atzili shares what a new negotiation framework would look like to resolve the Israel and Palestine conflict and More!

Sep 13, 2024 3:35 PM
Inside Sources
There is More to a President Than Power

The American presidency is a role of unparalleled power and responsibility, shaping the lives of millions and influencing global affairs. Yet, it's an office fraught with paradoxes - immense authority coupled with frustrating limitations. In a piece by New York Times, Jamelle Bouie details the complexities of the presidency that often go unexamined during electoral campaigns. By delving into the day-to-day realities of governing, we gain valuable insights into what truly makes a successful leader in the world's most powerful elected position.

Sep 13, 2024 3:35 PM
Inside Sources
Boaz Atzili: The Urgency of a New Negotiation Framework for the Middle East

As the Israel-Hamas conflict continues to unfold, the world watches for a resolution that seems perpetually out of reach. Despite the clear benefits of a cease-fire for both Israelis and Palestinians, complex political dynamics and strategic maneuvering have thwarted progress. With lives hanging in the balance, there is a growing call for a new, more transparent approach to negotiations that could break the deadlock and pave the way for lasting peace. Boaz Atzili from American University’s School of International Service shares what this framework could look like and how the Middle East can accomplish a peaceful compromise.

Sep 13, 2024 2:49 PM