Tim Shriver and Natalie Gochnour: Measuring Dignity in Political Discourse

Inside Sources

Tim Shriver and Natalie Gochnour: Measuring Dignity in Political Discourse


Published on Oct 11, 2024, 3:06:49 PM
Total time: 00:20:30

Episode Description
In an era of heightened political polarization, the Dignity Index is a tool to evaluate the tone of political discourse. Tim Shriver from the Dignity Index and Natalie Gochnour from the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute show how this innovative measurement that determines the level of dignity or contempt in political speech can reveal surprising insights about how we communicate across party lines and the potential for finding common ground. By quantifying the tone of our political conversations, the Dignity Index challenges us to reimagine the very nature of democratic dialogue and its impact on our nation's future.
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