Amazing Arizonans - Mike Angelone and Mike McAvoy

Amazing Arizonans

Amazing Arizonans - Mike Angelone and Mike McAvoy


Published on Sep 11, 2023, 5:00:00 AM
Total time: 01:06:21

Episode Description

     In honor of 9/11 I talk with 2 men who were directly connected to Ground Zero in Manhattan.

Mike Angelone was an FDNY firefighter. He retired in 1993 and moved to Arizona where he became a successful contractor. He tells us about the lifelong friends he lost that day and what happened when he traveled to Ground Zero to help with the search and rescue.

Mike McAvoy is also from New York. His brother John was a firefighter who bravely ran into the World Trade Center that morning and gave his life serving his community. Mike’s best friend Jimmy was working in the Trade Center that day and also perished. Mike shares his memories of his brother and his best friend.

Both of these men endured incredible loss that day. This podcast is a tribute to all of the survivors. I hope America never forgets the tragedy of that day.

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Mike Broomhead interviews Amazing Arizonans.