AJ is ticked off this week, he's not invited to his brothers road trip to California, and also not a fan of Tracy volunteering to bring snacks for his casting party and worried shes bringing organic barf bars

AJ's Mama Drama

AJ is ticked off this week, he's not invited to his brothers road trip to California, and also not a fan of Tracy volunteering to bring snacks for his casting party and worried shes bringing organic barf bars


Published on Mar 1, 2024, 7:27:42 AM
Total time: 00:02:39

Episode Description

AJ is ticked off this week, he's not invited to his brothers road trip to California, and also not a fan of Tracy volunteering to bring snacks for his casting party and worried shes bringing organic barf bars 

More about AJ's Mama Drama

Every Friday AJ, who recently became a student in Drama School, will be giving a rating for Tracy's week and recapping the drama that did, or did not ensue!