Family, Friends, and Frybread / Exploring Oromo Culture

YouthSoup: A Podcast by Listen Up Youth Radio

Family, Friends, and Frybread / Exploring Oromo Culture


Published on Oct 6, 2023, 5:37:00 PM
Total time: 00:29:28

Episode Description
In this episode of Youth Soup, join Siyam as she takes a deep dive into Oromo culture, discovering its various values, traditions, and culinary arts through talking with Illily and Abdurahman. All about Culture, Family. and Love. Then, Diamond, a passionate youth producer, talks to her former Ojibwe teacher and mentor Mathew Lafave and her amazing mother Deidre Raymond about the cultural significance of frybread." 
More about YouthSoup: A Podcast by Listen Up Youth Radio
YouthSoup is a youth produced podcast from Listen Up Youth Radio. Each episode is told from your everyday youth who discuss real-life social issues that teens and young adults face in our daily lives. As media storytellers, it is our intention to add some youth to your soup, some flavor to your day, and to acknowledge and raise awareness of these topics to let you know you are not alone. “This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.”