7th Grader and Mother Conspire to Murder and Kidnap Infant

No Tears For Black Girls

7th Grader and Mother Conspire to Murder and Kidnap Infant


Published on Nov 14, 2024, 8:05:41 AM
Total time: 00:14:20

Episode Description
In 1991, a twisted plan unraveled as a 7th grader and her mother joined forces to abduct and kill an innocent infant. The baby's mother had vanished while on her way to see a friend, triggering a frantic search throughout the borough. This is the harrowing tale of Raquel Montano's actions.
More about No Tears For Black Girls
Tune in every Tuesday and Thursday as host Samantha Paul and acclaimed writer John Reedburg delve into the lesser-known true crime and missing persons cases involving black women. This podcast aims to expose the systemic issues that contribute to these cases being overlooked by the media. Stay informed by subscribing on your preferred podcast platform.