Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder

Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder

Semi-normal people discussing God's word, and how it applies to daily life. Rachelle & Carder host a morning show on 89.3 KSBJ in Houston. Anything But Quiet Time is an inside look into what they're learning as they read through the Bible. It's kind of like that conversation that happens when you attend a really cool small group at your church. If it encourages you, please share this podcast with a friend - and don't forget to listen to Rachelle & Carder every weekday morning on 89.3 KSBJ in Houston, or online at Presented by KSBJ

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Most Recent Episode

Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
278 Seeking Islam but Finding Jesus Instead

We discuss the fascinating story of Nabeel Qureshi, who was a devout Muslim. But through seeking ultimate truth, found Jesus.

Sep 16, 2024 12:0 AM

More Episodes

Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
277 Tell Eminem About Jesus

The humanity and hopeless in a recent Eminem song has made headlines, as his family was hurt by his past mistakes. We talk about the true hope that can be present in any circumstance. Plus, how our worldview makes a huge different in hope level, as Carder responds to some Atheist comments. 

Sep 9, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
276 When God Ruins Your Life

The Little Mermaid is a Christian? We have a great discussion about that, along with the hard topic of losing loved ones too soon in life and how God's plan is something we can trust, even when we don't understand it. 

Sep 2, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
275 The Most Common False Belief

This week it's the common misconception about "being good enough to go to Heaven". Our culture says, "perform and earn" yet God has worked with us differently from the very beginning. Rachelle also brings up a discussion about life goals and dreams and trying to understand what God has planned for us in life. 

Aug 26, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
Faith Under Fire: Lessons from the Book of Daniel with Kristen Brewer (Bonus Episode)

Kristen Brewer is the writer and producer on the Sight & Sound production "Daniel: Live on Stage", and after much research to write for the production, found a lot that we often miss in the "Sunday school" version of Daniel. She shares in depth the hope we can again after just a little context.

Aug 23, 2024 12:5 PM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
274 What the Bible Says to Do When Your Kids Grow Up
Aug 18, 2024 12:0 PM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
273 Battle Ready for What Life Throws at You

When life throws stuff at us, how do we fight? Ephesians 6 gives us great insight on letting God fight for us. Especially because there is a battle happening that we can't see.

Aug 12, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
272 Is It Possible to Disagree Agreeably?

We talk about handing the baton to the next generation and that both parties are responsible in that trade off. Also that we can go to God first about anything, even something as simple as a headache; plus a question of our day: do you have the right to speak out on an issue without the lived experience? 

Aug 5, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
271 What Makes a Joke "Dirty"?

Carder shares this week how he felt he needs to change after reading Ephesians 5, where it discusses "foolish talk" and "crude joking". But then we try to find the line on what an inapropriate joke actually is. Does intent matter? We discuss and would love your thoughts. 

Jul 29, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
270 Reaching People Who Don't Care About God

This week we have a candid conversation about mental health after the storm, not taking "people's word for it" if God says otherwise, social media influencers and what can be the negative side of it, and morals changing in society by the day.

Jul 22, 2024 12:1 PM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
269 The Balance of Holiness and Unity

Carder shares from a seminar with N.T. Wright and explains the importance of both holiness and unity, along with many takeaways from the book of Ephesians.

Jul 15, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
268 Staying Focused in a Distracting World

Rachelle unpacks the fight between Saul & David and how the story reminds us the importance of staying focused. Carder shares how Christians should brace for election season.

Jul 8, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
267 Don't Make Your Peace with Death

When shouldn't we be comfortable with death? Carder also talks about the commands presented in 1 Thessalonians 5 and how they might feel impossible. Rachelle shares about (potentially) the need for pain.

Jul 1, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
266 The Lie of Comparison

 Rachelle and Carder talk about the lie of comparison and unhealthy competition. They also talk about the lie of shame and how a relationship with Jesus sets us free.

Jun 24, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
265 Scary Scripture

Has reading a new scripture ever made you wonder if you’ve got it all wrong?? That’s what Hebrews 10:26 did to Rachelle and Carder. Listen in as they show us how to wrestle through a scary scripture and talk about sharing your faith in a healthy way that embraces truth AND love.

Jun 17, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
264 Christian Triggers

Rachelle reflects on helping her children grow spiritually. Carder tells us about a time he triggered a friend at church. 

Jun 10, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
263 Responding to a Critic

We share a critical comment and dive into how you can know if what you're thinking is truly from God. We also talk about where we messed up and had to ask for forgiveness.

Jun 3, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
262 The Only Time the Bible Says to be Selfish

Rachelle shares about what she's learning watching a documentary, and why it's important to not give temptation a seat at the table. She also tells a bible story that will inspire you to get out of your comfort zone. Carder says it's actually biblical to be selfish in one area of your life, and it might surprise you!

May 27, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
261 Do You Force Christianity on Your Kids?

Carder wonders if we push Jesus on our kids and Rachelle proves that God is good with Old Testament math.

May 20, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
260 Releasing Your Kids

Rachelle's oldest child is graduating and she's having trouble letting go, but has been encouraged through scripture on how to move forward. Carder revisits something he might have gotten wrong from a couple of episodes ago.

May 13, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
259 Boundaries and Temptation

We go over one phrase that isn't actually in the Bible, but it's been treated like it is. We also talk boundaries as a church body for someone who is in unrepentant sin; and a quote that might give you that courage you need to share your faith. 

May 6, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
258 Do You Believe in Coincidences?

Some things seem like strictly coincidence. Like getting the front row parking spot at the store 2 trips in a row. We discuss whether things like this are for a reason, as well as God's control on events like this. We also discuss sharing our faith in Christ, and the difference between preaching and planting a seed.

Apr 29, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
257 Not Your Parents Faith with Riley Clemmons

What should a quiet time look like? Does it have to look like what a friend or a pastor recommends? Singer Riley Clemmons joins us to talk about that, as well as her coming to the realization that you don't have to look perfect to be a Christian.

Apr 22, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
256 Do I HAVE to Forgive?

Often we love stories of forgiveness, but are unwilling to forgive those that have really hurt us. Do I have to forgive, according to God? How does that work if I still can't trust them? And Is "forgiving yourself" unbiblical? We cover all this and more!

Apr 15, 2024 12:0 AM
Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder
255 Don't Be a Jerk Christian

It's important to be loving when sharing about Jesus. But we also discuss if something is bad to say just because it SOUNDS mean. And the question: "is there ever a wrong time to share the gospel?"

Apr 8, 2024 12:0 AM